Who remembers me promising a DBSK picspam a while ago? Anyone? Bueller?
Okay, so it's been a while (how are all of you, by the way?) and instead of studying for my Physiology Lab exam that's tomorrow, I've been going through my DBSK picture folders (which have grown exponentially in the past few days) and sorting out which images I like the best.
That's a hard thing to do, but I managed to narrow it down to about 180 pictures. XD I know that's an insane amount--that's why I'm splitting up this picspam into three posts. (I have an unsorted picture folder sitting on my desktop, so there will probably be a fourth picspam post after I go through those images.)
I wish I could caption each picture, but I'd be here all night if I did (and I do need to study, eventually).
CLICK FOR QUACK! (A re-telling of the "Mirotic" PV.) This is actually what inspired me to finally post the picspam. That and the release of DBSK's 4th Korean Album on the 24th! So excited!
Oh, and my bias is not apparent AT ALL in these posts. ^____^