Title: Lost in a Dream
aibakawaiiPairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG?
Word Count: 2140
Summary: Nino loves Ohno in his dreams, but the problem is that he doesn't feel anything for his friend when he wakes up.
A/N: Huh. I guess it's aibakawaii's typical fluff fic. 8Dv Well, enjoy? Kinda poorly written though, I think.
Every night Nino loved Ohno. Every morning he'd realized that it was only a dream. )
Comments 31
Thanks for the comment! :)
please make the sequell!!!! XOOO
but, i love it.. <3
it's sooo cutee.. XDD
thank you so much for writing.. :D
Thank you for reading though! ♥
Exactly, exactly what I had in mind. Yes.
huh..., i too sometime imagine a situation and conversation like you wrote this time, if it is impossible to be given the answer that excuses oh-chan made so far.
but to be honest, it is impossibly difficult that we catch a conclusion without oh-chans will. because it depends on only him XD
but thanks a lot for writing this! i looooooove this as always!!
I'm wondering if I should've ended it that way haha. But I just wanted the conclusion to be that Nino himself finally came to a conclusion on his love hehe.. and they will end up anyway since they are THE OHMIYA!
*ahem* Thank you for the comment~! :')
"Nino laughed softly and tucked his head onto Ohno's chest, feeling a small blush rise in his cheeks. He felt weak, but Ohno's hands were supporting.
“Maybe I'm in love,” Nino whispered."
That means time for Nino to make it real with Oh-chan XDD hehehehe
it was adorable and I enjoyed every moment of it *since it was ohmiya*
Thanks for sharing.!! <3
Oh Ohmiya~
Thank you for reading! :D
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