Title: Storm's Calm
aibakawaiiPairing: Ohmiya
Rating: PG
Word Count: 524
Summary: Nino's anger can always be washed out by that one ocean.
A/N: oh god i don't know, i feel so dead. an attempt at writing something.
The muffled noise was still buzzing behind him, causing Nino to clench his hand into a fist, and to see dark splotches of red pop up behind his closed eyelids. )
Comments 20
i love it~ it was great.
thanks for sharing~
Like, red+blue=purple, no?
(in my logic that'd be yamapair=matsujun o__o then that would mean Ohmiya=Aiba O____O?!)
Haha my logic is weird oops XDD
OMS(ohmysatoshi) I MISSED YOU SO SO MUCH DDDX *sob* But feel better quickly okay~! ("Get well soon" is a little overused hmm. XD)
Thanks so much for sharing~!! <3
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