Three days after my last post something horrible happened. I was at work and after running change to a cashier I returned to the front to watch my lines and realized my arm felt odd. It had fallen asleep. I was not too concerned at the time because I know I am a hypochondriac and instead of flying into a panic I managed to convince myself that I
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Hey all, sorry you've been deprived from my awesome and glorious presence for so long. I am still out here, and still planning a wedding that is rapidly approaching
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I'm engaged!!!!!!! He's amazing. I love him so much! I've never been happier!!! He is so good to me and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with him :)
I found the one I want. :) He's good, and sweet, and nerdy, and amazing and I adore him. He makes it worth losing sleep, worth staying awake, worth getting up early. He takes care of me, respects me, and listens to me
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