Title: Never Stuck Around Long Enough for a One Night Stand
Author name:
beckaandzacArtist name:
nevaeh86Genre: RPF AU
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~26,000
Warnings: (internalized) homophobia, HIV-positive character
Summary: Jensen has been driving big rigs for eight years, crisscrossing the country in his truck, living on the road and keeping
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Comments 51
ETA: And I forgot to mention this, but I completely agree with what "swan_bite" said above about how you handled the issues in this fic. Great job!
Your characters were so...alive. And human. You created these deep, and flawed, people, and wrote them in a such a way it was impossible for me to not both relate to and care about them.
Despite some really heavy issues (which I believe you handled remarkably well), your story flowed with such ease, and in turn I easily - and happily - lost myself in it.
I also have to add that I recently read another fic that attempted using present tense and...*shakes head & cringes* You did it so well I almost didn't even notice it - except that I think it helped me feel closer to your characters.
Thank you for writing this and sharing it. Nicely done!
I'm always nervous about writing stories with issues like these in them without making them Issue Stories, and I'm very glad it worked for you.
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