Title: Let The Light In, Chapter 12
Pairing: Esca/Marcus
Rating: NC-17
Length: 6.5k
Summary: Marcus and Esca are acrobats performing in a Vegas circus spectacular, and Marcus is trying to figure out what's happening between them.
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Comments 5
Which is why I've figured out I owe you an apology.” The fingers dug deeper and more painfully, like Esca couldn't say he was sorry for anything without exacting some revenge.In a way we have reached the beginning of a resolution here, but I'm sure there was originally more planned for these too, which I'm very sad may never now see the light of day. I'd hoped Marcus's mum would come and see the show, and that more of the developing dynamic would unfold. If there ever were the chance you'd pick thisup again, I'd be thrilled to bits ( ... )
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