I'm in my second year as a full time beekeeper managing circa 200 hives. I'm also fairly active on lj yet somehow didn't put it together until just now that there was probably a beekeeping community I should be part of. I post about bees fairly often. Also take a lot of beekeeping related photos.
I got home from an extended 4-day weekend to discover ants, that have been helping themselves to the contents of my girls' hive top feeder, have been getting away with it because they've established themselves a hive of their own right under the bottom board of my brood boxes! I first noticed little white "skins" that looked like some kind of seed
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Hello all, my husband and I find ourselves in need of a new queen and I'm wondering if any of you could recommend good breeders, places to buy a queen
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I inspected the hive on Saturday and saw three uncapped queen cells containing larvae & royal jelly...couldn't find the queen. I called my mentor (for want of a better term - the chap from the association who brought me the hive & said I could contact him for any advice & support) & he said we'd probably need to artificially swarm them. He arranged
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On this weekends inspection I found a bunch of queen cells on three frames both swarm type and supercedure type I have done a split with all these frames in a nuc box really 2 med nuc boxes stacked because these are the deep frames that the bees came on
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It's been two weeks today since I opened my new hive since establishing it in order to ensure that my queen was released. This is my very first colony of honey bees. When I closed the hive upon last visit I was very careful to press the frames together and add the 10th frame to the end, nearest the wall and center the grouping within the deep. At
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The girls arrived in the mail this morning. The non-stop rain started yesterday morning and it looks like it's going to be like this for the rest of the week. Do I just muddle through the hiving process and keep 'em as dry as possible
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