So the summer's just about over and i've spent the entirety of it here in College Station.
My final rating of this town is: B
While I do enjoy the people here, and find this to be the nicest place i've ever been (friendly wise) I do have some qualms with the fact that there's nobody here "like me". I'de delve more into what I meant by that.. but eh
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So i'm currently on my break from art for tonight. It's been 9 straight hours of sketch, sketch, ink, color, wash, rinse, and of course repeat. The best part, is that artistically (as well as mentally) i'm not in the least bit tired
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Yay~ It's the second of march! That means something special is gonna happen! I can't remember what the hell the occassion was, but one of my friends was going off about the date. So regardless, tonight we raise a pint
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As much as the idea of philosophy has always stolen my attention, I can't help but feel like it's become some selective "club" of which I have no membership. No, not the part about straight-up philosophising as any no talent hack can attempt this. I'm talking about those who walk the path of philosophy. Writing a text of deep moral codes and then
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Ooh, and today I got a new aim S/N. I'll still use "PoruSanHentai" but that's home only. When i'm "on the go" as all the kids refer to it these days, i'll be using "PauLisGoNeMobile".