Dungeon Behest

Oct 11, 2008 23:29

Date Announced: October 12th
Behest Started: October 12th

Situation: Things are growing rotten in the city of Padarak, literally, as an innocent grocery store one minute has morphed into a 5-story dungeon. Without the little King Leo's presence, things don't stay wonderful and pure in the city. The little King must be rescued! ...eventually, before that, two defenseless civilians are currently trapped on the top-most level of this dungeon that desperately need help. We behest thee!

Objective: Brave through five levels of monsters, rescue the trapped civilians Tajima Yuichirou & Mylene Jenius and lastly, revert the porous dungeon back to the innocent grocery mart it once was before.

Behest Completed on: Not completed yet
Rewards? Possible treasure chests within higher levels & Acting King Epitav offers a reward to the rescuers!

Party/Single Player? Yes/Yes


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