Second verse same as the first! Koumyou-related stuff from the
Saiyuubito Dictionary, thank you
Kinzan Temple 【金山寺 Kinzanji】
☆ The temple built downstream of the Yangzi River. It’s broken up into several blocks, and its total ground area is quite large. It is the temple Priest Koumyou Sanzo oversaw in his later years, and also the place Genjo Sanzo spent his childhood days at as Kouryuu. It went up in flames when youkai opposition attacked, and no longer exists.
☆ A mountain of weapons were hoarded within the temple. Genjo Sanzo’s beloved handgun was something he took from there on the high priest’s orders.
Zenou Temple 【禅奥寺 Zenouji】
☆ The training temple overseen by Priest Goudai Sanzo. It’s a temple built to gather together young monks of high virtue and raise the Sanzo Priest successor. It’s famous for its rather Spartan teaching of the literary and martial arts. This is where Ken’yuu (Ukoku) and Koumyou met, and a fatality occurred.
Priest Goudai Sanzo 【剛内三蔵法師 Goudai Sanzou Houshi】(Sai.R.3)
☆ The balding Sanzo Priest who used to protect the Muten Sutra. He managed the Zen’ou Temple, and there he trained apprentice monks to be the next Sanzo Priest. He was friends with Koumyou from the time they were both apprentice monks, and when he foresaw his own death he had Koumyou with him and left the rest to him. He recognized the danger within Ken’yuu at an early stage, and most likely kept him close for it.
☆ Completely opposite from Koumyou, he’s a serious, inflexible monk. He was also a huge man, and from the time he was young he excelled at power-type martial arts. At this point, he’s the most wholesome Sanzo Priest in “Saiyuki” (laughs).
Jikaku 【持覚】(Sai.R.3)
☆ The old man who used to be Keiun Temple’s head priest. The character who gave cigarettes and the prompt to raise his head to Genjo Sanzo, who had begun to lose sight of himself on his wild, life-threatening journey. He was easy-going and vague, but his powers and courage, enough to take on a host of attackers, was extraordinary. He had a weakness for saké and cigarettes.
☆ Actually, he was Koumyou and Goudai’s old instructor, when the two were still apprentice monks, and he was also the witness when Ukoku became a Sanzo Priest. He likened Koumyou to the moon and Ukoku to the night, this old man did.
Maten Sutra 【魔天経文 Maten Kyoumon】(Sai.1- )
☆ One of the Founding Scriptures of Heaven and Earth. It manages “evil” or “yin”, and falls under attacks. Its unique spell the “Makai Tenjo” has the power to break through the evil and purify unto heaven. It is said that, until the holder before Koumyou’s time, this sutra could only be held by a youkai Sanzo Priest.
☆ The current holder is Genjo Sanzo, and this is the scripture draped over his shoulders. He inherited it from the previous holder, Koumyou Sanzo.
Seiten Sutra 【聖天経文 Seiten Kyoumon】(Sai.1- )
☆ One of the Founding Scriptures of Heaven and Earth. It manages “holy” or “yang”, and falls under restoration. Unique to the Seiten Sutra, it has healing and restorative powers.
☆ One of the two scriptures Genjo Sanzo inherited from Koumyou Sanzo. It’s true owner is Genjo Sanzo, but at Koumyou Sanzo’s death it was forcefully taken by youkai, and for many years Genjo Sanzo has searched for its whereabouts. After being shuffled around, it is currently at Houtou Castle, where they are attempting to use it for evil in the Gyuumaoh resurrection experiment.
Lecturing (on the Way) 【説法 Seppou】(Sai.1- )
☆ In this case, preaching the teachings of Buddhism. Koumyou has said, “I’m not good at it,” and folded paper airplanes on the side of the porch.
Religious Name 【法名 Houmyou】(Sai.2- )
☆ In this case, the name one receives from one’s religious sect when one embraces the Buddhist way. Thus, since Kouryuu was an infant name and not a monk’s name, and since he was nothing more than hired help at the temple that raised him, criticism about his becoming Koumyou’s successor from the other monks was harsh.
Baby 【稚児 Chigo】(Sai.2)
☆ The other monks at Kinzan Temple called Kouryuu this as a slur. Make no mistake, this term does actually apply to all the young boys used at temples and the like for chores, but in this case it implies the boys who were used in homosexual relations with the older monks. It wasn’t an unusual thing in the old Buddhist ways.
Orange Paper Airplane 【橙色の紙飛行機 Daidai Iro no Kami Hikouki】(Sai.2)
☆ The orange paper airplanes Koumyou Sanzo folded on the edge of the porch while skipping lecture, the ones he flew for the young Kouryuu. It also becomes a keyword describing the Sanzo Ikkou later.
Hold Nothing 【無一物 Muichi Motsu】(Sai.4)
☆ Words referring to the state of being freed of all worldly desires. The “Essentially holding nothing” of Buddhism means that because by nature we are all “empty” there is nothing we should be fixated on, and all people are free of everything.
☆ The one Zen teaching Kouryuu, who hadn’t embraced the Buddhist way until succeeding to Sanzo Priest, heard from Koumyou Sanzo.
Pony Tail 【ポニーテール Ponii Teeru】(Sai.R.3)
☆ A hairstyle in which the hair is gathered up high at the back of the head and left to hang down like a pony’s tail….. “Current young’uns”… Koumyou sounds like some 70-80 year-old (laughs). Incidentally, Orihime’s hairstyle is a ponytail, and July 7th has been called Pony Tail Day, so please think of Koumyou on Tanabata.
[* Tanabata (7/7) is the one day of the year that the stars/lovers Vega and Altair, aka Orihime and Kengyuu, can cross the Milky Way and meet.]
Moon 【月 Tsuki】(Sai.R.3)
☆ The satellite that orbits the Earth. It doesn’t shine on its own; instead it reflects sunlight. Its weight exerts an influence on the Earth, and affects not only the rise and fall of the tides, but the biorhythms of living things as well. In ancient Japan the moon was thought to be home to the gods. “Obsession [憑き tsuki]” and “(fateful) fortune [(運勢の)ツキ]” originate from this word. In the West and in Northern Europe, the moon is said to drive humans crazy, and is accordingly feared. By the way, Japan isn’t the only place to have the moon = rabbit image.
Rabbit 【兎 Usagi】
☆ The generic term for a mammal in the Lagomorpha order. In Buddhism there is the tale of a rabbit who offered to throw himself on the fire for an immortal, and of a monk who, forbidden to eat animal flesh, adamantly strained that the rabbit, who stands on two legs, was actually a bird, and ate it (this is said to be why rabbits are counted with the bird counter [何羽 nani wa]). Thus in Buddhism, the rabbit is considered a symbol of self-sacrifice.
In other news, Koumyou is