Started out innocently enough. I was assigned an interviewer/trainer. Meaning, yes, if I could handle it, I got the job. So dude tells me we're going to Binghamton. I'm So me, him, and another girl who works there get in his car, and off we go to Binghamton
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That job I totally didn't mean to apply for is an entry-level management job. So when the lady on the phone told me to dress professional I picked out my best clothes, and I walked into the office the next day, in what I thought was a very professional outfit. I very quickly realized that this job was a far bigger deal than I had first assumed, for
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He asks, "Zeus, what is a million years to you?" Zeus replies, "A second." The man then asks, "Zeus, what is a million gold pieces to you?" Zeus replies, "A copper penny." Finally the man asks, "Zeus, could you spare me a copper penny?" To this Zeus replies, "Of course, my son, in a second."
I'm half asleep, surfing the internet, and I think I just applied for a job.. without even realizing it. All of a sudden I found myself on a screen that said, 'Your application has been sent' and I was like.. wait, what did I just apply for? Exciting maybe? I always find myself in the strangest of job situations
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I had to work. I was woken up an hour before I had to be up with unimaginable pains. I had to pop pills all day just to stop said pains. Out of the 3 of us sharing a birthday at work, I was the only one who didn't receive Happy Birthday balloons from my team leader. I still did not receive my raise that I am now a month over due for, even though I
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Don't ambush me at 9AM on my way to work. Seriously.. how long were you waiting for me? If you've got a problem with something I'm doing, just ask me to cut it out. I'm not a child, and I don't respond to yelling. Grow up.