We're out of heating oil.
Which defintely means no heating for the next days and possibly no hot water. Make that no hot water.
My parents are arguing about how this happened. This amuses me to no end.
So I'll be sleeping with two layers on and socks.
Heating oil costs gold nuggets pieces of paper that go 'poof' every time you turn your back;
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Comments 25
I'm not too cold surprisingly (But then, I have two layers of socks and a huge sweater on).
Also *love* the free e-books and I haven't visted tor.com in ages and I went and got lost in it for few hours. *gleee* It's gotten so cool! *loves*
I love some of the meta I can find on Tor.com. It's gotten better and better.
Also do you know Pat's Fantasy Hotlist? You can win books on there (ships to everywhere) and usually they're ARCs or recently published. I haven't won anything yet, but *is still hopeful*.
We had out heating cut out last month for a week because there was a problem with the plumbing :(
Those links are quite AWESOME. I might LOVE you very much :)
And I'm going to check out that film (Amelie is one of my favourite films)
Ahaha, I LOVE TO SPREAD FREE STUFF. Pat's Fantasy Hotlist also has free giveaways sometimes. I want some of those ARCs SO BADLY.
I love rewatching 'Amelie', it's so perfect. It's always on TV so I don't even need to get my own copy. :D
I hope you like "I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK". I think I'm going to rewatch it because I found it so lovely. But first the bonus DVD :D
Really?!?! I had to buy the dvd because here they never show it on TV!
I might go on a quest to find that other movie too... mhm... peer2peer, here I come.
And 14 days is a lot... I DON'T THINK I CAN WAIT THAT LONG.
So, free books, hu? Don't you have enough to read already as it is? :o)
ahah, I'm sure it was pretty cool. :P
*shifty eyes* Well, see, I just can't help myself. I see free books and I just grab. I might have a problem with collecting books. And bookmarks.
NEVER ENOUGH BOOKS. :D just never enough time to read them all. ;_;
Obsess much? Though I have to confess, I love books too. Can never throw them away... breaks my heart. :o)
Obsessed? *blinkblink*
I can't throw them away either. When I see books in the paper dumpster I go in and grab them. They can be reused endlessly, so why throw them away?
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