Title: The Ice Flowers [oneshot]
Pairing: JaeMin
Genre: Angst, AU
Rating: PG
Summary: Days blend together and repeat each other. Jaejoong slowly fades out of Changmin's life. Literally.
“You’re home early” he said, his voice sounding like it came from the underworld. )
Comments 5
This is really, really creepy and beautiful both. The transfer from darkness to light, and the lifelessness.
I don't like Jaejoong here. :( Who'd rather spend time with flowers and coldness when you could spend time with Changmin? -rollseyes-
Really, really beautiful. :) I can tell that you probably used a while to get it written. <3
Well, Jaejoong is... not really Jaejoong anymore. He faded out. He is in another world, where he initially belonged. The mermaid tears were veela tears in the original, but I decided too few people know about them and changed it. In Bulgarian folklore veelas are mythical creatures who take female shape and uh, woo (XD) mortal men who can only control them if they steal their shadow. Or if the veelas happen to like them.
Thank you! :3
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Don't hate him, things like that happen ^^;
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