(no subject)

Dec 31, 2012 15:55

1.1: Looking for a Spouse
1.2: True Friends


Hello, and welcome back to The Marrigan Legacy, update 2.1. Last time, Wade got a job in his dream career, the architecture career. He wed to Emmy after she became pregnant, and we got a nice little visit from Mr. Social Bunny. I left you on a cliff hanger on the last update... What do you think the first baby will be, boy or girl? We will find out! DUN DUN DUUUNNNN...

Wade: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


If you guessed the baby to be a boy, you were correct! Baby #1 is a bouncing baby boy named Lance. He has his mother's eyes, and his father's hair. Whatta cute lil' tyke. :')

Emmy: Even though you were just born I'm going to wash you where I also wash the dishes.

Wade is such a good daddy! I'm so proud of my founder.

Lance: Goo goo gaga

Awwww look at that, one day old and already his first words! Gaga, as in Lady Gaga?

With some of the money all of the money Emmy brought in, I decided to upgrade the house for the future generation two children. Unfortunately, it's still quite small and I only had enough funds to add in two rooms. Sooo, hopefully someone will get a promotion soon so I can add a second floor.

I hope it's not too hard to see, I didn't wait until it turned to daylight to take the pictures of the house. Sorriez.

I also got them a whomrat in which I named Panda. You can probably see why I named it Panda.

Wade: I love you more than I love my son!

And I also got them a computer! I thought it could be useful for future use. Wade seems to really enjoy it.

Wade: And I love you more than I love my Panda!

Oh Wade..

Emmy: Fly, my son!
Lance: Weeeeee!

Emmy: Bluuh.


I caught Wade watching a children's movie about fairies.

Wade: Oh twinkledust, you can fly! I know you can fly!

Emmy: WOAH.

Pop numero uno!

Emmy: No, Marissa of course I'm not busy. Go on.

Such a ~fabulous~ mother.

Wade: Fly, my son!

You two have got to stop throwing your children in the air, I don't think it's very appropriate.

Wade: Transformation complete!
Lance: Wow dad I'm flying!

Lance post makeover. What a cutie pie! :x

Lance: Can't anyone pay attention to me? :'(

Wade: Don't fear, daddy's here!

Wade: I love you too, son. :')

Awww they're just so cute!! I always catch Wade playing with Lance. I think Wade cares more about his son than Emmy does!

Emmy: Lance, my child. Will you PLEASE just learn how to use the damn toilet already!?
Lance: But mommy I can't carry myself out of my crib and walk over to the toilet by myself. :(
Emmy: And who's fault is that? Hm?

You re's! It's your fault Emmy. Aren't you suppose to at least put a tiny amount of effort into teaching your son how to walk??

Pop numero dos!

Emmy: I want twenty kids!

Well take care of the one you have first, chicka.

Wade: Hiya there son, how're you liking breakfast?

Lance: It's great daddy! Your oatmeal is MUCH better than mommy's!
Wade: Oh, you're such a little kidder! Your mommy's the chef in this house.

It's true (kinda). I mean, Emmy has a job in the culinary career. She's a waitress, I believe. But she's seriously the worst cook. Ever. She sucks.

WOW EMMY, CONGRATS. I didn't know you two were even friends! (I need to start paying attention more when I'm gaming).

Emmy: Zzzzzzzzzz

Emmy: Wut. Did you say something?


WHO IS THIS MAN AND WHY IS HE HOLDING MY BABY. Seriously, gtfo pedophile.



A dashing little girl, Nim was born! She's got the same features as her brother. Green eyes, brown hair. :) I can't wait to see who the kids take after as they mature.


Have you two forgotten about Lance?


Lance: Daddy, Y U SO SILLY?!

Emmy: Move or i'll trow this bag of shit at you.

You managed to potty train your son! Gold star for you, Emmy. Gold star! :D

I had to hire a stupid nanny due to the fact that both Wade and Emmy are constantly working. Gotta bring in dat monies.


Lance: I zzz hate zzzzzz that zzzzzzzzz little brat.


Wade: Wow, all this studying about mechanics really makes me want to have more babies!

Emmy: at least be more realistic, like your husband.

Fussy toddler refuses to use the potty.

Lance: Unhand me, you peasant!

It's birthday time! YIPEE!

Lance: I'm flying! I'm really flying!
Wade: I'm so proud of you, son!
Nanny: Damn look at those feet.

What a cutie pie! I think he's going to look more like his mom, though it's probably too early to be sure.

I find it beautiful how they're still so deeply in love. :) They do this all the time. How sweet!

One more birthday before I close up this update!

Nim: Activate transformation mode.

Nim: Transformation complete!

Here's Nim post makeover! I changed her hair and eyebrows, that's pretty much it I think. Nim's going to be so beautiful, she's such a little sweetheart! I can't wait to see her as a teenager. Well I'm going to end this update here. In the next update I hope to have Emmy and Wade have at least one more child. I'll try to make it a bit longer, too. It's takes (literally, i'm keeping track) hours to make each update. About three at the minimum, because I have two laptops that I use to be able to do these. My first laptop has the Sims 2 installed on it, and that's the laptop I use to play on the Marrigan's and take the pictures. But I have no editing software on there, so I'm forced to send all of the pictures I take from each update to myself so that I can access them from my other laptop to edit them. It's a really long and complicated process, that's one of the many reasons why it took me so long to convince myself that I was capable to record my Legacies and share them online with people who like to read things like these, like me. :) So as I say after ending every update- thank you SO much for reading. Expect more interesting things to happen in the next update. :)
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