Jul 12, 2006 23:01
Anyone care to join me for a movie this weekend?
Jul 11, 2006 10:46
lots of exciting news on the job front...
more later.
Jul 10, 2006 23:23
I don't know what's wrong with me.
One minute I feel great, the next... I dunno.. I just.. feel weird I guess.
I'll go through a bout of seeing everything that I have waiting for me, and the next I can't seem to stop worrying about the
length of the reach.
Jul 10, 2006 17:49
Im back in N.C.
Thank God for strong drinks and high speed internet.
More later.
Jul 09, 2006 03:09
Must be nice.
I can only stand on the outside looking in, can't imagine that I'll ever have the opportunity to sit in your chair.
I guess we all just have to play the hand that's dealt to us.
With these cards, I just can't seem to ever win.
Jun 30, 2006 02:18
OMG... I'm SO sick.
I layed down at 11pm, was completely exhausted.
It's now 2:20am and I've still not been to sleep. I've been coughing constantly.
My head feels like it's going to explode.
I'm friggin' miserable
Jun 27, 2006 21:35
It seems that watching a romantic comedy for this evening's entertainment was my brightest decision to date.