so, uhh yeah, i rarely use this thing and forgot my password and had to "hack" in. not so much hack in but i spent awhile figuring out the password because i had changed my e-mail address.
ok so today in auto I re-aranged the letters in chevy "LUMINA" to say "ANIMUL" and now i keep glue and a putty knife in my car so i can rearange the letters on any lumina i see parked on the street because i have nothing better to do yay for lakeview chop shop, i mean auto shop
ok, first off i went to start my van and the battery was dead. no big deal i just threw the charger on it and it charged right up, then it wouldn't start, all it does is sit there and crank. so now im pissed because i have no way to get around unless someone is going to pick me up and drop me off like a 10 year old. god i hate GM.
Ya, I broke down and got a my space because everyone else has one and i guess i needed one too but i havent even set it up yet so don't bother trying to look at it
yay! my ankle is all better (for the most part) and i can do normal people things like moonwalk, breakdance, walk, eat pudding cups, dance on Soul Train and or Solid Gold, and drive a van