I found Suzuken interview in Dengeki Girls, about his new character in new otome game spin-off from Hakuoki, Urakata Hakuoki. i still now much know about the detail game, what I'm sure the game itself really different with previous Hakouki with the character and maybe the story, I had fun translated this when knowing Suzuken not really fond in
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Still from Dengeki Girls article, these days I'm kinda pumped out to do some studying translating, well holiday is so so with fasting like this, and no money to go everywhere *sigh*. btw i always thought hirakawa-san really similar with dongwon oh my
Today i'm lazying over my homework for paper deadline on monday, and watched some random seiyuus video that i just downloaded on friday. Then when i'm watching sakurai takahiro-san warai bangumi which i downloaded random on youku about new year special episode, there's a familiar money on that quiz, blue color, it's feel nostalgic when i saw it lol
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今日は宮野真守のコンサトビデオのWonder Loveを見た!! 偶然だよなこれ。。 私はまもの誕生日は全然知らなかったよ。たださっきFacebookで ’今日まもちゃんの誕生日’ すごいびっくりした、なんだこれ。。。やあただ偶然だよなwww Mamochan blog still not updated yet, but i guess i'll posted a few photo that i have, to celebrate this
just passed one week from hell 2 weeks, i mean my two weeks of my third year exam. today so much with kanji's test and dokkai, how you know your sensei trolling you on your exam paper ~_~ one week to go, i just wish that i'm passed all and i have only one year left to finish ~3~