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9_miles_high Part One
The Basics
→ Name: My real name is Leelarai, but i have a nasty habit of changing the name I go by every 5 years or so. As a child i was Wang, in highschool I was Lila, in college I was Lee, and now I'm sort of going by Ry.
→ Age: 22 (unfortunately)
→ Gender: female
→ Likes: girls, boys, girls who crossdress, boys who crossdress, green skinned space babes (or any other colour really... and doesn't have to be female either... be cool if they have tentacles though),Kshatriya (my eternal hard drive), Vladimir (my laptop), butter, sugar, cheese, kicking things, guns, glasses, catholic school girl uniforms, cool teachers, traveling, Russia and all things Russian, Cold war history, historiography, social theories, getting 'A's in class, the feeling of learning/knowing things, imagination, geeks, spies, superheroes, fantasy worlds, musicals, disney, theme parks, escargot, first class seats on airplanes, theatre, dancing, Russia in february when there's still snow but not too cold, windy days in Bangkok, smiles, puppies, kittens, snakes... umm we could kinda be here forever if i keep going.
→ Dislikes: homophobes, racists, close minded people, insects, bullies, being emotionally manipulated (or at the very least transparently emotionally manipulated... it's like an insult to my intellegence)
Part Two
More About Yourself
→ Favorite Color: Silver, because it's shiny!
→ Hobbies: writing, painting, computer graphics, singing, dancing, taekwando, occasionally swimming.
→ Favorite quote/lyric/saying and why:
"The craziest people in the world are the ones who always insist they are completely and absolutely sane." - my mother.
Because the world is a crazy place... why fight it? A little craziness makes life more interesting anyway.
→ Favorite planet in the solar system and why (yes, this includes the former planet Pluto!): Uranus because 1. it has a pretty colour, 2. I have a major major crush on Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon and 3. Because it's actually called "Ur Anus!!"
→ Do you lose your temper easily?: It's complicated. I get angry very very easily but most of the time it's just a little bit and i try not to show it, often i just ride it out quietly until it goes away... but when i get really angry though it explodes... results in a lot yelling and throwing/breaking things... i would never hurt someone i love physically though. Furniture on the other hand is acceptable casuality... also my own hand if i punch a wall or something.
This however mostly only happens around my family... Around other people most of the time, i seem mature, reasonable and not at all emotionall unstable... It's always the people closest to you that can get under your skin the most i think.
→ List three of your good qualities:
1. I'm (book) smart. And no, it's not arrogance. It's not arrogance if you have proof and the amount of A's i get is enough documented proof as I'm ever going to get... Also, my psychiatrist tells me it's ok to compliment yourself everyone once in a while, so there!
2. I'm loyal to my family. They're far from perfect but massive emotional issues aside I will do just about anything for them. They're my world.
3. I'm good at stealing stuff!... just kidding :p... not about the stealing stuff (cause i might not be klepto anymore, but in all the time i was I never got caught ;) ) but about that being a good quality... Anyway the last good quality is I'm imaginative and creative. I never let the imagination I had as a child die just because i got older. I can't live without my sense of imagination.
→ And three of your bad qualities:
1. Low self esteem. I need proof to say that I'm smart... without it i would keep telling myself i suck at everything and is a waste of the Earth's resources.
2. Overly sensitive/temperamental/hot headed. I let things get to me way too easily.
3. I'm absent minded/ live in my own world. I don't often notice things going on around me or sometimes right in front of me. I spend too much time in my own head thinking about stuff, that i can be a little disconnected from reality... generally results in me being really clueless all the time and tripping on things a lot cause i never look where i'm going, too busy thinking about something else.
→ If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: Well, honestly, despite the flaws I actually really like being myself but i think I'd really like to be a lot less afraid of failure.
→ Or the world?: Only one thing? Umm... I want the gap in income distribution between the rich and the poor to not be so obscenely and disgustingly wide.
→ Or the universe?: Honestly, i'm not sure, i've only lived on Earth so far.
Part Three
You’re More of a…
→ Leader or Follower: Most definitely a follower
→ Loner or Socialite: Я Волк-одиночка. That's I'm a lone wolf in Russian.
→ Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
→ Mature or Immature: I think I'm mature, but also with a very childish side. I'm told sometimes i sound 40, and sometimes 10.
→ Impulsive or Cautious: Umm, on little things I'm very impulsive but with more important stuff I'm pretty cautious.
→ Organized or Disorganized: Organized
→ Hero or Villain: Somewhere between an anti-hero and an anti-villian. I believe that the world isn't black and white, and that sometimes you have to do very morally questionable things for the greater good. Also, there are certain things i believe strongly about, such as loyalty, or that we should always try to help others in need, and treat other people with respect... on the other hand i have very little problems with promiscuity, stealing, cheating (but not in an exam, exams are sacred to me), lying, bribing cops etc.... but i don't steal anymore... what i mean is i don't have a problem if i have to do it... or with anyone else doing it... but that doesn't mean i won't punch/kick/beat-up someone who tries to steal from me, i just don't have a problem with it on a moral level.
Part Four
Scenario Time!
→ You’ve gotten yourself lost in thought in the middle of the woods when suddenly WHAM! A meteor falls out of the sky. You go and check it out, only to find a wrist-watch like device pops out from its container and attaches itself to your arm…and you can’t get it off! Soon you discover its hidden powers. What would you do if YOU had the Omnitrix? Would you use it for good and save the world? Or use it for evil and take over the universe? Or would you use it for something else entirely…?:
I would probably try to test it's limits first, see what it can and can't do. Then I will use it, both for my own benefits and for helping others because I'm obligated to help people if i have the ability to, but that doesn't mean I won't use it to my own (unentirely unfair) advantage, given the chance.
→ Oh no! The Omnitrix is malfunctioning and you can transform into only one alien! If you could transform into only one of Ben’s Omnitrix aliens, which one would it be and why: Damn! Only one *pout* I was gonna say Big Chill cause i LOVE Big Chill, but Upgrade might work better cause i could just be any electronic device in the area, and actually being a gun and using yourself to shoot enemies do sound kind of fun.
→ If you could have any other power from the Ben 10 universe, what would it be and why: Original Series Kevin's power, absorbing energy and blasting things look like fun... and I won't make the mistake of trying to absorb the power of the omnitrix.... But then again, Gwen's/Charmcaster's magic is more versatile and practical... hmmm tough one. I think i'll go with Kevin's, I'm busy enough as it is without having to learn spells.
→ What would be your weapon of choice?: Real weapon or fantasy weapon? Cause I'd really want to learn to use a gun, i find guns really sexy... but i think magic would be more versatile as a weapon if that option was available.
→ What are your thoughts on world (or universe!) domination?: Governing a world or the universe seems like an awefully big responsibility. No thanks! Wouldn't mind being the loyal Lieutenant/right hand man though... so long as my Overlord or Empress is not one of those mindless 2 dimensional characters that's just being evil for the sake of evil. I wouldn't mind working under a competant and charismatic, visionary leader who's at least trying to do good, even if it's through universal domination.
→ You’re forced to go on a summer-long vacation with the person in the world you hate the most. How would you react initially to being told this? Once on the vacation, would you try and get along with this person, or would you tease and torment them the entire time?:
Well, i won't tease them or torment them. It's not my style. I will try to keep calm and be as civil as I can to the best of my abilities and mostly ignore them/try to stay quiet... I'd probably even rescue them if they get into trouble despite my hatred because just because i hate them doesn't mean i'll let them die or get really badly injured... but as i said above, i do kind of have a temper sometimes and if i hate the person the most in the world, i might occasionally crack if it gets really bad... when i was in highschool i sort of attacked my ex girlfriend's boyfriend once, so you kinda never know how it would go.
As for initial reaction, i'll probably be pretty pi$$ed/annoyed... though how angry i'd be would also depend on my history with the person... same with how easily i'll lose my temper.
→ If you could become any Ben 10 character for a day, who would it be and why?: Kevin Levin, but only from Alien Swarm, for the very shallow reason that he's very very sexy and i would probably use his body to get myself laid...and probably also to punch things with stone/metal hands.
→ Could you sacrifice everything (your life, your happiness, your material things, etc.) for the one(s) you love?: I'd give up my life in a heartbeat, and would try to withstand as much torture as i possibly could too... but it also depends on the stakes too, because if it's life or death, then sure, i won't hestitate to sacrifice myself for them, but i won't change who i am just to make them happy.
→ Anything else you’d like to say (Suggestions for the community, etc)?: Umm not right now...