No jucie for you! 8[ ... well, maybe just a little...

Dec 16, 2010 15:38

Before you begin this application, please link to at least THREE other applications you’ve voted on recently.
1. sandwich14
2. cxrdevil
3. hollywood_r_bin

Part One
The Basics

→ Name: Andreja (yes, kind of like Andrea, but not really XD)
→ Age: 25. ._.; Yeah. I still get asked for my ID in bars tho, supposedly I don't look 18 even. XD
→ Gender: biologically female, tho both I and my hormones were confused for a long time. We still sometimes are, but it's gotten better. XD

→ Likes: drawing, sleeping, cosplay, teamwork, accomplishing things, travelling, tea (I'm English Inside, I can't help it... XD).
→ Dislikes: drama, bossy people, prejudice, being unable to meet a deadline (even if it's only in my head), studying, cheating, false hopes and when people don't mantain promises.

Part Two
More About Yourself

→ Favorite Color: Green soothes me, but I like all of them, if used nicely. I mostly dress in monochrome tho.
→ Hobbies: drawing, tho it's become more of a job now, and cosplay
→ Favorite quote/lyric/saying and why: ... ever heard of 'A Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime'? If you did, you don't need me to give you another 'reason' why. ^_~ Let's just say it's very wise, and has helped me overcome many dissapointments.
→ Favorite planet in the solar system and why (yes, this includes the former planet Pluto!): Neptune - it's my starsign's designed planet and well... must be cool a planet with just oceans all over.
→ Do you lose your temper easily?: I tend not to. I'll let my 'attackers' have their say, study their weak points in silence, and then come back another day, with a plan and stable backup and destroy them where they stand. ^^ I tend to react quicker and with less thinking if people close to me are being insulted, but I never insult back, I use subtler means. (For example, I was at a concert where we knew a member of the band. But due to a mixup, my friends and I couldn't get backstage passes. So the bodyguard didn't let us pass. He insulted my friend saying she was lying and to move her ass or he'll have her thrown out. I pushed my friend aside, sized the guy up and asked him for his name. He told me, and I introduced myself, too, offering a hand which he didn't take, instead asking me if a blond like me (I wore the top few layers bleached) wants to write it down. I said I'll remember just fine and asked how come he doesn't have his bodyguard company tag, and if I could know said company. Having gathered all that info, I led my friends away. Of course the friend from the band came looking for us not long after and I waved to the guy as we passed him again, escorted. =w= I also filed a complaint letter against him later and got an official appology.)

→ List three of your good qualities: I'm...
Flexible; I'm adaptable, I don't stand out and do my best to meet people half-way. Sometimes people like to abuse that. u_u;
A polyglot; I speak fluently 6 languages. 8D three of which are my birth-languages, with a regonal fourth plus two learned in school. *is a mix of everything lol*
Relaxing; People tend to easily open up to me, and I've been told by a couple of friends that they didn't toss and turn during the night while sleeping beside me even if they usually always do. (LOL IDK? XD)

→ And three of your bad qualities: I'm also...
Reserved; it's hard to figure me out if you've not known me for an extended period of time. You can know my hobbies, my interests and where I live, but I'll always remain a bit unfilable, with walls high up.
A grudge holder; I rarely give second chances. It takes me a lot to cross someone out of my life, I'll go through hell and high water to try and fix the relationship... but if I hold a grudge, it's for life. Admittely, there's very few people I've crossed out like this, just two, both of which really deserved it.
A workaholic; I will always DO something, anything - draw, read, write, watch a show. I hate being idle and on stand by. x_X; This sometimes makes me take on more than I can chew, like working over 16 hours a day and studying for an exam at the same time... needless to say I fell sick after a while, but I felt pumped up until the very end.

→ If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?:
My dad. I know it sounds mean, but so many problems, from the genetics up, derive from him. He's one of those dictator-dads who want to have it their way without listening to any kind of reason, and who will take their time to verbally abuse you for hours once the slightest thing goes wrong, but won't sometimes give you more than a glance when you win a competition or get straight As. I suppose part of all my hard work is due to wanting to have his approval, and I do suppose he doesn't know how to be any other type of dad, but at the same time I loathe men like him with a burning. If I'm to one day have a family of my own, I hope I'll never put my kids through everything he loaded on my shoulders. -_-;

→ Or the world?:
Make intollerance illegal. We can fix the rest.

→ Or the universe?:
♫ Our whole universe was in a hot damp st- ♪ ... hm. I'd have to understand it completely first.

Part Three
You’re More of a…

→ Leader or Follower: Follower, I love teamwork. I can lead if there's no-one else capable to tho.
→ Loner or Socialite: Socialite, but my walls are rarely down.
→ Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic until proven wrong. XD
→ Mature or Immature: Mature (except when in cosplay).
→ Impulsive or Cautious: Usually cautious.
→ Organized or Disorganized: Both. I tend to make a mess and multitask and then organize everything to the t. XD
→ Hero or Villain: How about spectator? ... hm, well, I don't think I could be a villain. I'd feel good helping the good guys at least! 8D

Part Four
Scenario Time!

→ You’ve gotten yourself lost in thought in the middle of the woods when suddenly WHAM! A meteor falls out of the sky. You go and check it out, only to find a wrist-watch like device pops out from its container and attaches itself to your arm…and you can’t get it off! Soon you discover its hidden powers. What would you do if YOU had the Omnitrix? Would you use it for good and save the world? Or use it for evil and take over the universe? Or would you use it for something else entirely…?: ... first off, I'd *PANIC*. Much like Ben did. Nothing that jumps at you and that you can't get off can be trusted. x_X; I'd probably try to remove it myself. Failed that, I'd try to check with any person I knew that could help me figure the thing out before it could explode or something. Truth afloat, I'd probably embrace saving the day if I really had no other choice. XD

→ Oh no! The Omnitrix is malfunctioning and you can transform into only one alien! If you could transform into only one of Ben’s Omnitrix aliens, which one would it be and why: Big Chill. XD He could pass for a kid that failed a Darth Vader cosplay should I need to go anywhere civil... or can get invisible. Cold attacks are cool too~ *drumroll for the lame pun*

→ If you could have any other power from the Ben 10 universe, what would it be and why:
Well, being an Anodite would be nice. It's subtle but effective.

→ What would be your weapon of choice?:
I have no idea... I can weild a lot of different weapons (cosplay makes you proficient that way).

→ What are your thoughts on world (or universe!) domination?:
No dominion ever lived for long; live and learn. =w=

→ You’re forced to go on a summer-long vacation with the person in the world you hate the most. How would you react initially to being told this? Once on the vacation, would you try and get along with this person, or would you tease and torment them the entire time?: I would state my disapproval of this arrangement loud and clear. But if forced to go anyway, I would be civil. I'd probably ignore said person most of the time tho. Their call if they want to make amends for whatever reason we don't get along.

→ If you could become any Ben 10 character for a day, who would it be and why?:
UGH tough one. XD Future!Gwen maybe - she can travel through time! Or Asmuth. That's one smart cookie. o_o; Also Devlin. Cool hair, bro. 8D I know you said ONE, shh.

→ Could you sacrifice everything (your life, your happiness, your material things, etc.) for the one(s) you love?: I think so, yes. Even if I'd regret it later.

→ Anything else you’d like to say (Suggestions for the community, etc)?:
Pimp this on ben10_x_kevin11 (they're nice and active), affiliate with people, ask to be affiliated in return! It's a shame no one knows of an awsome comm like this. 8D

!needs votes

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