Well hello, stranger!

Dec 26, 2011 14:04

I realized the last time I (really) updated this blog was shortly before I moved to New York in April. I'm currently on my last day of Christmas vacation, headed back to NYC tomorrow, so I figured I might as well use the occasion to stop by and say helloHello ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

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benitle December 26 2011, 19:57:55 UTC
Thank you so much! ♥ All the pain and anxiety and tears it took to get me there seem to be totally forgotten now. It's definitely worth it.

How have you been, sweetheart? <3


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benitle January 7 2012, 20:20:17 UTC
Eeeeep! :) That is so exciting. How are you liking your job and London?


legoline December 26 2011, 19:48:07 UTC
This all sounds amazing. I envy you a lot for having the guts to make your dream come true :-) *sends hugs*


benitle December 26 2011, 19:59:25 UTC
*hugs* Thank you so much! It all seems to be worth it now. Looking back, I quite can't believe the kind of year I've had.

How have you been?


legoline December 26 2011, 20:13:56 UTC
I sometimes tell random friends about you. "I know this girl who moved to NY!". Everybody's really impressed (as they should be) :o)

Me? Ah. In many ways 2011 was a big disappointment as I'm no further careeer-wise than I was in January, but at least since I decided to work less hours in that stupid job I hate so much I've been overall more content. So that's something, I guess.


benitle December 26 2011, 21:00:36 UTC
Awww, thank you! :o) Believe me, I've had more than one moment where I questioned my own sanity and asked myself why I ever thought moving that far away from my family and friends was ever a good idea. But then I remember how awesome NY is, despite it's flaws.

Sorry your career hasn't gone yet where you want to be. But at least you managed to do less of what makes you unhappy, so that is something. I hope 2012 will be your year!


fryttu December 26 2011, 20:49:26 UTC
Hello, stranger! ;)

I'm so happy for you, it was obviously an amazing year in your life, I'm proud and honored to share some of it with you, if only via the Internet. And I want to wish you to do have even better year in 2012!


benitle December 26 2011, 21:05:34 UTC
Hello, stranger! :o)

Thank you, honey! I was very blessed in 2011. A lot of great things happened to me and they definitely outweighed the bad things by far. I do hope you have a fantastic 2012 as well! ♥


lea_ndra December 27 2011, 06:21:07 UTC
I'm happy to hear from you and even happier to hear you're doing so well!!! <3

I'd like to hear from you more often, so keep us updated?


benitle December 27 2011, 08:49:02 UTC
Thank you so much! :) How have you been?

One of the New Year's resolutions definitely will be to update this blog a little more often too. Not just on every occasional trip to Germany. Hah!


jb_slasher December 27 2011, 06:49:33 UTC
I'm so happy for you. Hi. <3


benitle December 27 2011, 08:49:32 UTC
Thank you! & omghai! <3


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