Indeed they are!
I noticed a huge, oily plume of smoke over the rooftops as I was taking Ellie and Barnum out for their evening constitutional. When we reached the park we got a good look. It was the color of old oil and it cut across the horizon from the hill just north of the park, casting a shadow over south Irvine.
beerhorse was a sweetie and gave me
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Comments 16
Not to mention it destroyed a particular type of forest that cannot ever recover, at least not in our lifetimes unless "The Day After Tommorrow" happens. The type of forest that was eradicated was left over from the last ice age, and the conditions now will not allow the re-establishment of the same flora. It'd either have to be manually replanted and irrigated, or if left alone it will turn into chapparal.
All in all, was a rather expensive signal fire. The hunter was however rescued. I think he was indicted with all manner of criminal charges. Still, that doesn't help with the loss that occured.
surfing_otter saw th e hills on fire while he was visting and asked me why all the dirt farms were on fire. x__x
Anywhoo, it's been nice out where I am, in that sort of creepy way. It's only windy at night and the weather's been holding steady around 75-80 every day. @__@ It boggles the mind.
If the fires do somehow end up getting close, I recommend hosing down your roof if you can. It'll keep embers from catchin'.
I owe you an email. It's been exciting times in Berbland since we last typed at one another.
Glad to hear you're all right, Berb.
Glad to be back in touch, man. I've got about two years to catch up on.
I didn't know you were in Socal now. I live up at the top of the 57 fwy in LA county. :)
....presuming we don't get burned down, natch. 0_o
Dinner during a weeknight is cool too!
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