I guess I'm heading back to the village, now... that took longer than I intended.
[ Meryl will be working her way back from part way into the desert to the village, looking rather tired and probably in need of a cold shower to recover the heat she's grown somewhat unused to since Leto left and they stopped their regular trips out into the sand. ]
I guess it was naive of me to think he might be able to have a normal life, here. I already knew what kind of place this was, but I thought 'There's plenty of people here fighting for justice. He can relax
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Something fishy's going on. I knew we were getting off too easy. I don't know why I ever thought they'd really give us a break. Ridiculous, Meryl, ridiculous. But, I'm not sure what exactly is happening.
I guess I'll have to... mind me step... sight? Something.
[ Here is a Merylsicle, holding herself, dripping wet and shivering as she walks briskly through the village. Her hair is in her eyes, but not enough to block the angry look on her face
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