Wow. That's well put. Did you write that, or who? I am a random stranger, who stumbled upon your journal through looking at common interests. Do you mind if I add you as a friend?
Being as I never met you, uh, that's a little weird. I mean, I spend a lot of time talking to friends or reading what they have written and they do the same for me, but it's strange for some random person to care about My Life. But whatever makes your pencils sharpen.
OF course I wrote that. I tend to write everything on my live journal.
Yeah, it is a little wierd. If somebody told me that out of the blue, I would be taken aback as well. I was just curious about who had listed "Wendell Berry" as an interest, so I was looking through the journals with that listed, and yours was one of them, and I was struck by the quality of the writing therein. The idea to add you as a friend wasn't so much borne of a random interest in your life as it was of admiration for your skill at writing. However, on further reflection, it does seem like kind of a creepy thing to do, so I won't. Instead I will be thankful for this glimpse of your writing and leave it at that. This piece is really good. Good luck at whatever you turn your hands to.
sometime in the not so near future i might may a webpage with stuff i've written on it. if i remember i'll let you know where that is when i do that. i don't often post pieces of writing up here anyway. thanks for the compliment
Comments 4
OF course I wrote that. I tend to write everything on my live journal.
However, on further reflection, it does seem like kind of a creepy thing to do, so I won't. Instead I will be thankful for this glimpse of your writing and leave it at that. This piece is really good. Good luck at whatever you turn your hands to.
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