Umm. Your really cool. You were wearing a lime green barrett Saturday night. It was outstanding. And, ummmmm, thank you for not calling me Jizzz. Yeah. So. Your cool. And I'm talking to you online. Whoa. Yeah, so, nothing else to say. Your really cool.
dear sugarfly mcditty, waz up you pimp mac daddy! wow i sound really white. hehehe. anyhow you r da kewliez. and i think i need to mosh right now you rule that is all!! xo betz m0sh
dear jimi, Les mis was lots of fun. I'm bored so I'm writing you this letter. You're cool. Um.... Betsy's letter was the fucking most confusing thing I have ever read. Please refrain from writing like that ever again. Thank you for your time.
Comments 8
Umm. Your really cool. You were wearing a lime green barrett Saturday night. It was outstanding. And, ummmmm, thank you for not calling me Jizzz. Yeah. So. Your cool. And I'm talking to you online. Whoa. Yeah, so, nothing else to say. Your really cool.
waz up you pimp mac daddy! wow i sound really white. hehehe. anyhow you r da kewliez. and i think i need to mosh right now
you rule
that is all!!
betz m0sh
Les mis was lots of fun. I'm bored so I'm writing you this letter. You're cool. Um.... Betsy's letter was the fucking most confusing thing I have ever read. Please refrain from writing like that ever again. Thank you for your time.
you are the coolest kid i know. for sure. we need to hangout.
and yeah we do need to hang out
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