I am finally of the facebook so my friends can stop hitting me...Katie....
Also, party yesterday was hi-awesome-larious. I am the finished with the finals, and if I sucked at Bio Final, it is not because my teacher doesn't like me. He gave me two field guides, and I used them today to look at flowers and butterflies...yay!!
it's almost gone, but it hates me and I was of the oozy-pus-face for about a week. It spread to my ear, neck and wrist. the wrist is all that's left, but it is awkward beacuse I like to use my left wrist, and it inadvertantly touches things when I do anything. Also it is itchy and my skin is dry and peely
While I am super psyched about the Golden Compass, I am also really excited about Sweeney Todd. It is directed by Tim Burton, and the cast will include Johnny Depp (singing), Alan Rickman, and Anthony Stewart Head to name a few...wheeeeeee for movies this winter