Title: Louis
Rating: G
Genre: General
A/N: Many thanks to my beta
It's not my fault Tommy got himself punched in the face at school. I was the one who punched him, but it wasn't my fault. Mother will be furious when she finds out, but I had to do it. He called me a baby for the fourth day in a row. What else could I have done? I'm no baby. I'm five!
Most of the people I know still consider me a baby. Mother stills calls me "bebe" and I hate it. Dad calls me "Kit" because he says my red hair made him think of a baby fox when I was born. I wish they would just call me Louis. I'm not a baby of any kind.
Babies don't go to school and babies can't feed themselves. They can't dress themselves or use the water-closet themselves. They definitely can't name all of their colours or count to thirty. I can do all of these things, so I'm obviously not a baby. Yet Mother still dotes on me like I'm two years old. I hate it! I'm not some pathetic little toddler who needs help with everything. I can take care of myself, just like I did today. A baby would never have punched that brat in the nose like I did.
Grandma Molly is probably the only adult I know who treats me like I'm even a little bit grown up. She lets me help her cook and clean and she doesn't laugh when I tell her stories. She calls me things like "sweet pea" or "dumpling," but it's okay because she calls all of my cousins by those same names. Grandma acts like I am important and that what I want to do is worth something.
Aside from being treated like a baby, life is okay, I guess. I like going to the Muggle school and I have a whole bunch of Muggle friends. My cousins are pretty cool too, so it's fun to go visit everyone on Sunday nights at the Burrow. Lily and Hugo and I play Muggles together and dress up in our school clothes. We pretend to watch television or to talk on the telephone. Or we pretend to be Aurors and Dark Wizards and steal Uncle Harry and Uncle Ron's Auror badges to wear on our robes. Then we chase the bad wizard down and use the play wands Uncle George gives us to turn him or her into a canary.
Sometimes I get a little bit violent. It's not my fault though! I just get so excited that I forget that Lily isn't really a Dark Wizard and I attack her after I catch her. Then one of my Aunts will come over and drag me away to Mother. She just shakes her head and frowns at me before putting me in the corner for time out. I don't think it's really my fault at all though; I think that there is something inside of me that makes me do it. It feels like there is this monster in me that growls and groans at me when I get upset or excited. Then I feel like I have to do something before the monster eats me up.
It makes me want to hurt someone sometimes. When I get really upset I feel like biting and kicking and scratching someone. I can feel my muscles tense up as if I were about to jump. It really scares me. And it happens a lot. Every time I hear someone call me baby, I get upset and the monster starts to wriggle inside of me. Mother will glare at me then, as if she can tell the monster is ready to come out. That usually calms the monster down, but not always.
If the monster won't calm down, I can go punch a pillow or smack one of my stuffed animals and I feel better. At school today I couldn't do anything because Tommy wouldn't get out of my face. So, I punched him. I punched him good and hard, right smack on his eyeball. I bet he ends up with a shiner for weeks and weeks. I suppose I should feel bad about it, but I don't. The thought of him screaming and rolling around on the ground just makes me grin. Victoire says I am bloodthirsty, and I guess I am. It's really the monster though, that makes me want to hurt people.
I don't tell anyone about the monster. I told Lily once and she looked at me like I was crazy. "There's no way you have a monster living inside of you, dumb-head. That's just how you feel when you get angry. Everyone feels like that." I don't think they do. How can people not attack each other if they all feel like this when they get angry? I think there's just a monster in me, that's all. It's not a crazy monster; it just doesn't like people calling me a baby. So, sometimes I have to punch something to make them stop calling me baby and to calm the monster down.
Previous bios:
Teddy -
Victoire -
Fred -
Dominique -
Molly -
Lucy -
Roxanne -
James -
Albus Severus -
Scorpius -