WHAT Attraction event shenanigans
WHEN All this week, pick a day any day
WHERE Hell House, CGM, Dr. Rush’s lab, the odd bar here and there, anywhere in between
NOTES Tag into subthreads for various locations or add your own if none suit you
WARNINGS This week, Scott doesn’t know the meaning of the words “personal space”. And it’s
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She stopped short when she saw who was at the coffee maker. It was Mr. Scott, but not the one she'd left behind on the Enterprise. Being cautious would have been a good idea, but for some reason she was drawn forward instead of hanging back.
In fact, as she approached, the only thought she could latch onto was that he smelled rather good to her. Was that cologne, or just the way he smelled? Strange. She came up beside him and watched what he was doing.
"I take it you're just getting up too, or is that decaf?"
"So why are you up at this time anyway?"
He pushed those thoughts away, and slipped an arm around Christine's waist instead, just enjoying the physical contact.
His arm she allowed around her waist without comment. But a moment later she couldn't help but say, "You smell nice." Oh God, where had that come from? And why would she say it out loud? It was her first indication that something about this situation was off, but it wasn't disturbing enough to cause her to panic or pull away from him. She liked where she was just fine.
Though she'd probably just come back to life again anyway...
"No. You smell clean." The coffee continued to drip down and the smell of it combined with the smell of him was nearly intoxicating. But that wasn't right, was it? That shouldn't be her reaction. What was happening to her?
He didn't notice that he was gripping the edge of the counter tightly with his free hand, wasn't much aware of the weight of the knife he always carried strapped to his arm. And that part of him trying to insist that he should be aware of it was getting weaker, fading.
No, wait...
Focus! she yelled to herself. This wasn't normal for her, and even not knowing much about him, she could guess it wasn't an everyday thing for him either.
"The City..." she began weakly, not even wanting to bring it up and ruin their moment. But she had to.
"Hmm? I forgot, sorry."
"I-I can't. There's...work. I work, in like, an hour. So I can't." Even as the words came out, her body was swaying back closer to him. It was like she was under some sort of spell.
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