WHO De and open to anyone~!
WHAT De is effected by attraction week and a far too long dry spell.
WHERE Bar's and any logical place between (Streets, parks, drama apartment hallways)
WHEN Weekend evening.
NOTES Fell free to jump in whether they've meet or not.
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De's family didn't have much of a reputation that she knew of. At least not yet. She had a feeling there was quite a bit coming in the future.
"What'd they do so bad? If it's not a sensitive subject."
It was a sensitive subject, and that fact probably showed on Draco's face as he warily glanced her over, torn between changing the subject and just telling her. It would be easy enough to just come out with it, maybe show her the Mark; the only thing that stood in the way was how she might react. People could be finicky.
"They blindly killed a bunch of people," he told her vaguely, shrugging to make light of the entire notion. "My father was the right hand man of an incredibly powerful wizard with morals gone horribly awry, so we didn't exactly have much choice in whether or not to follow him."
She wasn't sure how she would feel if they had been on the other side. Not that she could really imagine that, but if dad had raised them that way? Hell, some people probably considered them on the wrong side of things.
"Not much, admittedly. Whatever I could to make sure my mother was safe." Even if it eventually led him to an almost completely ostracised life.
"Did everything end up all right, or...?" Or is there a disaster waiting back at home. That she could relate to as well.
She patted his arm, again trying to put it all into the context of her family. And what she knew was coming for her family.
She really couldn't say much.
"That what laxer tattoo removal is for."
His smile grew slightly, genuine and slightly awkward; it was still strange, knowing that if he went home, the Dark Lord wouldn't be there waiting for him. That there was no immediate threat to his life.
"Lay-ser what now?"
She could tell he was starting to relax and loosen up. And could tell he needed that. And goofing around was one service she could provide.
"They are...like they get rid of tattoos with...light...dude, I dunno how they work, they just get rid of that shit."
And besides, De was right: Draco did need to loosen up.
"That's the oddest thing I've ever heard. But I doubt it'd work - magical tattoos aren't the same thing."
Oh, yeah, that was right. Magic tattoos.
"So. Magic. What kind of magic do you do? The only witches I've really run into before ending up here were..." She shudder. Yeah, she really wasn't fond of witches.
"What type of witches did you run into before? If I may be so bold."
"Witches back home, uhh...their magic tends to revolve around. Bodily stuff. Fluids and...stuff." She shuddered again. A few traumatizing experience were all it took for her to learn to stay the hell away from them.
"I don't think...it's anything like your magic. Or I sure as hell hope not."
"Sounds bloody horrid. And like nothing we have round my world, thankfully."
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