torchwoodteaboy AND YOU
WHAT Meeting, drinking, taking care of a slightly melancholy Welshman. Your pic!
WHERE A bar. Any bar! Or on the streets! Or in the hallway of the CGM!
WHEN Saturday night
NOTES Ianto's already tipsy or more by the time you run into him
WARNINGS none so far
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That said, its size did lend itself rather nicely to being able to glance around and spy Ianto with limited difficulty. He hadn't been expecting to see anyone there he knew - the glance around was cursory, just to make absolutely sure that he wasn't in the wrong place; seeing his boss, of all people, was an unspoken invitation if anything was.
So that was how Draco found himself standing beside Ianto, wondering if he should say something or just keep standing there awkwardly.
"...have a seat, if you're staying," he said, motioning to an empty seat beside him. Misery loves company, after all, or so they said. Ianto was going to figure out first hand whether inviting Draco to join him there was a mistake or not in his own behavior as the night progressed, after all.
But really, like Draco could talk.
"I mean...you've got things here."
He paused, realising that his argument was a tad weak; he flushed slightly. "You went with Scott to that Gala, didn't you?
"At any rate, who knows. Maybe you'll be here another year, maybe you'll leave next month. But you make a damn good play at knowing what you're doing, even if you claim you don't. Far better than me, for example, who melts down at every buggered thing." A wry laugh, and he waved the bartender back to get another round for Ianto.
"How do you figure?" He asked, one brow arching curiously - disbelievingly. Somehow, he didn't find that Ianto was good at lying all that surprising - no one could run a business like he did and legitimately be content one hundred percent of the time. He didn't bother asking for an elaboration on that one.
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