I'm going to try a new thing where I post a picture or sketch a week. I have a strong feeling I'll forget or end up being too lazy to post, but I'll give it a go.
Since I have nothing interesting to say, I thought I'd post a couple of my arts. Apologies for the quality of some of these; they're photos of drawings, which doesn't work well, but I don't have a scanner with me at university.
Granted I only walked for half an hour, and it wasn't in anywhere near freezing temperatures or anything serious like that, but I feel I have just faced possibly the most physically trying experience of my life. Jesus, there is a storm outside like nobody's business and my mascara is all to fuck. Traumatic, to say the least.
Apparently 2008 is the Year of the Drunk LiveJournal Posts in the nerd zodiac, because everything up until this point has been written under the influence of quite a lot of booze. Luckily I've had time between parties to dry out and am currently completely sober. LiveJournal seems a lot more daunting than it did when I was 16 (or full of vodka),
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So... erm, haven't posted in a while. I've been thinking about getting back into blogging for a while - what better date than this? I've just managed to get horrendously drunk on £10 and had my coat stolen. Awesome. Ugh.
Well, I haven't been doing very much for the past few days. Had lots of homework which I've done very little of. Hum. Kevin and I have resolved to download Volumes One and Two of Two Zombies Later, so he's getting the first and I'm getting the second
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