nobody's anything without cool hair. did you ever see edward scissorhands? welcome to my haircut, my friend.
p.s. drive to cleveland as i have the house to myself this weekend starting tomorrow. p.p.s. how the blast do you know meredith?! SHE WAS MY LJ FRIEND.
haha i wish i could, but i STILL dont have a car. remember last summer when i thought i'd have a car by the end of summer? needless to say, that didnt happen. and meredith has been a distant LJ friend of mine for a while, i just haven't really noticed because i'm too simple to comprehend anything she writes about.
Comments 25
holy fuck.
I'm in love with your hair.
Shut up. Drive to Michigan.&Fucking kiss me.
Holy shit. I just fell in love.
i want to more than you can imagine, darling.
but until then, i can only wait.
very impatiently.
very, very impatiently.
much love.
for both the skinny joke and the compliment.
did you ever see edward scissorhands?
welcome to my haircut, my friend.
p.s. drive to cleveland as i have the house to myself this weekend starting tomorrow.
p.p.s. how the blast do you know meredith?! SHE WAS MY LJ FRIEND.
remember last summer when i thought i'd have a car by the end of summer? needless to say, that didnt happen.
and meredith has been a distant LJ friend of mine for a while, i just haven't really noticed because i'm too simple to comprehend anything she writes about.
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