Title: Bait Bus - Second Seduction
Pairing: YooSu
Rating: NC-17
Length: Twoshot
Summary: Where unsuspecting men are lured into a van by a beautiful girl, only to be offered an interesting opportunity with an even more beautiful boy…
Disclaimery A/N: This is based off the porn site "Bait Bus". I admit, I stole their idea and used it for my own
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Comments 128
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*bows to the Min*
Interesting you should ask that, coz in the sequel it's sort of the other way around~ ^_^" Or will be, in any case... But ye shall have to wait and see!! XD
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Men are funny creatures, ne? They would fuck a man, so that they could fuck a woman latter?! Kekekeke... But our Chunnie here knew exactly what he was doing. Good boy.
And, of course, fic is hot as boiling water.
Men are weird XP Even the good ones, lol.
I'm glad you thought it was hot!! ^w^
Thank you so much for commenting :D
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I hope you like the Yunjae part! ^_^ It may be a little less fun, since you read this one first, but I hope that you enjoy it anyway :)
Thank you for commenting ^_^
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And yup, pretty much O__O Oh to have their jobs~ That's what happens in the real Bait Bus, so that's what I wrote *nods* But it really does seem a bit weird, huh? >.< At least Changmin can get as much porn as he wants :P
this made my day
Thank you for commenting~ ^w^
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