Title: This is Me, This is You
Summary: Jaejoong refuses to stop loving Yunho.
Pairing: YunJae
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG13
Length: Oneshot
When you have fallen so hard on each other like the two of them had, there are only two ways to go. Forever ….or you come down crashing. )
Comments 24
i like it but i don't think that i can read it again,,
thank you for sharing this,,XD
i never thought not letting someone go and keep loving that person forever is a kind of revenge and torture to that person but this makes sense. And it's terrifying, like being guilt trip for life. I say Yunho deserved that pain but it's too horrible on Jaejoong's side too. I wish they didn't have to go through that but well, then there would be no fic OTL. You did a good job, I'm emotionally effed up now, thanks ; A ;
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