SPN fic: Red 4/10

Oct 21, 2006 01:56

Ownership Issues: St. Francis of Assisi said ‘it is in giving that we receive’. So, here you go. Merry fucking Christmas. These words are mine, but CW owns the rest of the marbles, and they rule the playground.

Rating: This story is what it is, but if I must: Gen, PG-13 for grown up situations faced by children who ought not to have to face ( Read more... )

red, supernatural, fanfic

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Comments 57

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big_pink October 21 2006, 18:49:33 UTC
Well, thanks so much for saying so. I was a little worried that carrying on three timelines wouldn't work and originally hadn't planned either of the earlier ones to continue as long as they are both going to, but response has been good and the plot and themes actually require it now. So there you go.

And as for the first part of your comment? Well, yes. And that is the whole point of this one.

Damn if those aren't mighty big shoulders, too.


iyalode October 21 2006, 10:37:35 UTC
Damn. Just..damn! This layer cake of past & present is so excellent. I'm just awed how much Dean managed to conceal from Sam as he's clearly playing catch up here, especially '92.

And you let Dean play paintball. Hee.


big_pink October 21 2006, 18:52:03 UTC
Dean's all about concealing things and what happened in 92 is one of those things that you just don't tell to your little brother, and you don't tell to a father like John Winchester, which is making things pretty damn complicated in the present day for our pal Dino. Who I can see playing paintball, maybe just once. Making a point.


harrigan October 21 2006, 12:13:48 UTC
eeep. And flailing. That is all I can manage.


big_pink October 21 2006, 18:53:40 UTC
...and at a certain point, what else can you do, really, except eep and flail? While I don't know if that actually means you're enjoying this, I hope you are and you get brownie points just for making it through the World's Longest Chapter.


I'm sorry you feel bad... but ndmzero October 21 2006, 13:58:21 UTC
Is there any possibility you could write faster? (I'm kidding -- hope you feel better soon.)

This is heartbreaking. I am clinging to that PG-13 promise with all my fingers and toes, FYI.

The writing is great, as always. Your research is very impressive and amazing.

I think Sam's going to have to work on his telepathy to get any info out of Dean this time.

Thank you -- and I look forward to the next chapter - actually, the next six chapters.


Re: I'm sorry you feel bad... but big_pink October 21 2006, 18:57:55 UTC
I'm not feeling better (though thanks for asking) however, I think that actually helps with the writing as I can stay in bed and lounge around with impunity.

Cling to the rating. It's bleak and horrific and nasty, but I say what I mean and the rating holds. I don't (usually) write every little thing that pops into my head; what you can imagine is usually worse, right? So, don't rest precisely 'easy' but rest assured of the rating.

And there are some things that I don't think Dean will ever tell Sam, because, really, how could he?


saturn_girl October 21 2006, 18:32:29 UTC
Dean, NOOOOOO! Don't go!!!

Great update. Still loving all the realistic details of the camp, and how you're interweaving the three periods of Dean's life. I'm dying to see more!


big_pink October 21 2006, 18:59:55 UTC
More coming...this story pretty much owns me at the moment. Not bored and there are plenty of meaty scenes coming up that I'm dying to write. I HOPE the details are realisitic, insofar as they go. What can I say? I've had some good research fall into my lap.


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