Who is Charles Gunn?
Just in case you are Team Angel deficient, he's the black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks. He is th man that would risk his neck for his brother man. He's the cat that won't cop out when there's danger all about.You see... this cat Gunn is a bad mother-
Don't tell me to shut my mouth! I'm talking about Gunn!
Can you dig it?
Okay, Shaft lyrics aside:
Charles Gunn was a street tough gang member who spent all his time defending his inner city LA territory from vampires and demons and did a damn good job of it too. Eventually he ran into a vampire who didn't want to suck his blood and kill off his gang for snacks. And because this is Fandom and there seems to be a ton of vampires that might fit that bill: I'm talking about Angel. After his sister got turned and Gunn had to kill her off, he started doing side-gigs for Angel Investigations whenever Angel needed some extra muscle and eventually left his gang life behind to work full time with his new team.
Now I could go into the whole story about who he is and what he went through in the entire series, but to do that you should either watch the show or read
a nice condensed wiki article about him. Why? Well why should I re-type what others have done so well at doing.
Personality-wise, Gunn is a stubborn SOB who is all about his community and his gang. It's his family and he'll fight tooth and nail to protect them and get what they need. Sometimes this leads to him doing something stupid like... oh, unnecessary attacks against monsters who aren't attacking him. Selling his soul to get a POS pickup truck. That kind of thing. He also doesn't like vampires which he might have to get over in a place like Fandom.
And for the record? There is no comic book. Gunn did not become a vampire in a hell banished version of LA fighting everyone and... no. It just didn't happen, okay?
Where is Gunn coming from?
Gunn is actually Pre-canon. He's being sent to Fandom as part of parole agreement that I'll get into with another backstory post. He's also not from
bitchy_smurf or
notstakedyet's universe in case you were curious.
Questions? Comments? Tributes to Isaac Hayes?