I think I'm finally back on track w/ everything- HW, food and TV consumption...I also have all of my essay but my conclusion. I don't know how good it is though...
so for those of you that don't know, the comic F-Minus is the best ever. So from now on i will be updating with the days f minus, for those of you that don't get the globe. here is Sunday's, Monday's and today's:
god, things aint great right now. still need to lose the 15 lbs I gained over the summer, school is in full swing, and I'm in one of those ugggh stages, where I don't feel happy and don't know when I will again. I just want something really good to happen to get me out of this mindset... but it probably won't
I completely forgot about SWS orientation today. Shit, I haven't even written my essay, and I don'town the books. Fuck, what a bad way to start the year.