I've now got a couple of irons in the fire for new jobs, both at a local gold mine. Also waiting for some jobs to come up in northern Western Australia
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Time to get the fuck out of the smelter. I now have no loyalty to my crew left at all, I'll be putting in for a swap to another crew on Friday (first day back), and spending tomorrow pimping out my resume ready to be submitted.
Well, my house is about the cleanest its been for months. Vacuuming and mopping is all done, loungeroom is tidied, my incredibly uncomfortable couch is on the back of the ute ready to be taken to the tip, just need to clean the horrendous mound of dishes in the kitchen and I'm done.
Well, my wireless modem arrived. Now running on painfully overpriced Telstra Fraudband. Roll on the National Broadband Network, even if it means that remote areas get ADSL2+ instead of gigabit-range connections
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Also, I am now reduced the amount of matting in Bubbles' coat by about 40%. I no longer have to hack large wads of fur out of her coat with a pair of scissors.