Gaggle of Cities Part 6

Apr 20, 2013 01:01

*sneaks in* So, it’s been a few months since I updated my WYDC, but fear not because I finally have an update here now that life has relaxed a bit and I’ve missed my WYDC.

If you’re new to this or you missed an update, I suggest reading the previous update(s) in order to get a glimpse of what’s going on.
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5

It’s been a long time since I left of, but here’s a summary from the last update: Essen became a child and got into private school after learning the basic toddler skills, Alex and Bandung went to college, Karen had an affair with Javier McKellan the slob and gave birth to Fez as a result, and Forest got abducted by aliens and gave birth to Georgetown as a result. So far, the baby daddy tally goes like this:

Name                Father                                                        Conceived at home?
Alexandria       Husband (Forest Fossey)                     yes
Bandung            Zombie (Owen Hendrix)                       yes
Copenhagen     College Student (Aaron Wilder)        yes
Dubai                  Genie                                                             yes
Essen                   Bigfoot (Cody)                                          no
Fez                       Slob (Javier McKellan)                          yes
Georgetown     Pollination Technician+Husband     yes

At some point, Karen managed to get Platinum Lifetime Aspiration. Even though she already became permaplat from a genie wish, I would say it’s nice to see this as well. Not to mention that she can use the remaining aspiration benefits.

To celebrate this, Karen invited Alexander the bartender over and made out with him as Dubai walks by.


What? You’re a romance sim, so you’re supposed to enjoy it.

“Over my dead body.”

You wish!

“Aww, who’s mommy’s green baby? Have some milky wilky.”

Georgetown: You’re not my mommy, but man that milk sure tastes like heaven.


Fez: “Waaaahhhh” Why is mommy not thinking about me?! WHY?!

Don’t worry, kid. I’m sure your mommy or someone else will come for you.

Dubai: Makes me wanna kuke every time they do this thing.

Gee, Dubai. Why are you such a hypocrite?

Dubai: “Can’t you see that I need some kind of privacy?”

Psh, whatever.

At the same time, Essen hits the rain puddle and splashes around it. Oh, the joy.

“Who’s the hot guy? Yes, you are, Dubai. You’re buff and sexy and the chicks will like ya!”

*sigh* Again, another narcissistic teen in the house, and a hypocritical one, no less.

Hey, penguin! What have you been up to?

“Just giving any naughty kids in this house an extra puddle to splash on.”

Eeeewwww!!!!! No kid should splash on that kind of puddle.

“Oh, come on! It’s called mutualism. I get a place to do my personal business, and kids who live in this house get another puddle to splash on. Everybody wins.”

You’re really sick, aren’t you?

“Nah, these kids won’t care.”

Awww, how sweet of Karen to tuck Essen to bed. What a great mother despite her unfaithfulness.

Speaking of unfaithfulness, Karen woohooed Alexander and got pregnant with Baby H as a result the next day.

I’m assuming you might be wondering where Forest has been up to. But here’s a hint: he’s not at work.

“Aaaaarrrrggggghhhh!!!!! Save me from the bees! This hike is a nightmare!”

Ahahahahahaha!!!!! Since Forest works at night, why not distract him by sending him on a hike instead?

“What do you mean by distracting?”

Errrr… nothing really. Just giving you something to do rather than stay in your house.

“My house has a yard already, and you think it’s not e-aarrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!!!”

It’s a whole wild world to explore, Knowledge sim.

Anyway, on to birthdays. Fez is a Sagittarius (0/6/9/7/4) while Georgetown’s a Pisces (0/5/8/5/9). Zero neat points. Great. Once they grow up, they’ll make a mess out of the bathtubs as well as not clean up after their messes. And how on earth did Georgetown be so sloppy? I’m not that surprised for Fez, since his dad’s the slob, but Georgetown? Wow!

Forest: “Hey, congrats on the Platinum Lifetime Aspiration.”

Karen: “Honey, I was permaplat already, so no need to congratulate me or anything.”

Forest: “Oh, come on, honey. I’m your husband, and you deserve to get some praise from me.”

Karen: “Oh, you lovey-dovey boy.”

Karen: “Say, I’m glad to see you having someone to date.”

Dubai: “Mom, please give us some privacy.”

Forest and Alexander: Man, Karen is so hot!

Ahahahahahahaha!!!!! Man, this really cracked me up! If there are no thought bubbles, people might assume that both Forest and Alexander have the hots for each other. And Karen could get her own masterpiece.

This, however, is not funny at all. Curse you, Willow Darga!

“Ha! That’s what you get for trying to see me getting electrocuted. Now you’ll pay for not paying me enough!”

*facepalm* Now how am I supposed to get the Pagoda in the Shadows Map back?

Anyway, on to good news. Georgetown finally learned how to walk, talk, and get potty trained. Three cheers for that!

Even better, Dubai maxed out Body! Awesome! That means he’s guaranteed to get the Hogan Award for Athletics scholarship once he applies for scholarships.

Also, Essen grew up to be a teen with Family as her primary aspiration and Grilled Cheese as her secondary aspiration.

“Great! Now let’s end all hunger in the house with grilled cheese.”

Right. *rolls eyes*

Again, another teen who checks out in the mirror, and one who does that after her birthday, nonetheless.

And let’s not forget about Fez, shall we? Like Georgetown, he learned to walk, talk, and get potty trained as well. Now that’s an achievement.

Man, I feel so bad for Copenhagen getting ignored throughout this update! Anyway, she applied for the following scholarships because she’s close to adulthood, so why not send her to college soon?

At some point, I gave Essen a makeover. What’s with that face, huh?

“Why can’t you give me an apron instead?”

Look, I didn’t have Kitchen and Bath yet, so please be patient, mmmkay?


Fast forward a bit, and Baby H is now born! Yay! She’s called Havana after Havana, Cuba. Since Havana’s Spanish name is “La Habana”, and “La” is the feminine form of “the” in Spanish, I thought why not?

Anyway, here’s a closer look. Apparently, she has dark blue eyes, making her the first WYDC kid to have that particular eye color. Hooray for variety! Now all I need are red hair and darker skin tones.

Also, both Fez and Georgetown grow up into children. Nice! Now all I need to do is to invite the headmaster to get them both to private school.

Once the festivities are done, it’s time for Copenhagen to go to college at long last.

Afterwards, Karen danced with Georgetown. Isn’t that sweet of them even though they’re not biologically related to each other?

Fez, on the other hand, is feeling grumpy during the next day. Why the mad face, young man?

“This sucks! Why can’t I catch any fish or treasure map from this pond?”

You can’t catch treasure maps from this pond at all, young man.

And speaking of treasure maps, I played Bandung, told her to dig for treasure at some point, and lo and behold! She got the Pagoda of the Shadows map! Awesome!

“Here’s something for you, mom. I hope you’ll like it.”

“Oh, sweetie! You don’t have to do this, you know.”

“But this is special. Open it.”

“Okay, then. *opens gift box* Holy crap! Thank you so much for getting me a replacement map!”

“Heh, no problem!”

Takemizu Village, here we come someday!

Later on, Copenhagen went to college and her dad accompanied her on a toga. How weird is that?

Meanwhile, back in the house…

“Yahoo! This house rocks! The food, the doors, everything in here is like heaven!”

“What about Fez and Georgetown?”

“Oh, alright. Those two kids are accepted.” Sheesh!

On another note, Havana grew up into a toddler. Apparently, she’s a Taurus (9/6/3/5/2). Not another kid who can’t run. *groans*

Well, at least she learned the basic toddler skills in no time, which should make up for the low active points.

In the quest to find more babydaddies, Karen met Luke Lynch aka Mr. Big. Turns out she has three bolts for him. Jackpot!

She even gained some “fame” for “being a good sim”. Kinda funny because of the affairs she had. At least that makes befriending people much easier, I guess.

“Hey! What are you doing? That’s my daughter you’re holding.”

“Don’t worry; I’m taking her downstairs to feed her, if you don’t mind.”

“Well, she needs her mommy now, you weird nanny.”

“Why can’t we just share the load?”

“Share the load? Pfft…”

*shakes head* Typical.

Meanwhile, Essen thought it would be a good idea to check herself out in the mirror. *rolls eyes*

“What’s wrong with that? Aren’t I pretty?”


Oh, definitely.

“Why thank you.”

Pfft… that’s what you think.

“What was that?”

Er… nothing really. Just feeling a bit freaked out at it.

In the meantime, both Fez and Georgetown learned how to study. Get cracking there boys! *whipcrack*

Georgetown: “Good riddance! That homework was a monster!”

It’s good for your mind, young man.

“Says who?”

Says me and your parents, of course.


On another note, it’s time to send Dubai off to college, so here are the scholarships he got.

And Dubai’s off to the outside world as his family waved goodbye.

Dubai: “Finally I can escape the wackiness in this house.”

“Dis potty full uv fani wata. Me wanna play!”

Er… You might wanna consi-oh, never mind.

So, in order to turn Karen into a plantsim someday, I made a garden where only she could spray while the tending, watering, and harvesting can be done by anyone else. As seen on this picture, it’s funny and ironic to see that the thriving tomato plant looks withered from getting watered too much. XD

In case anyone’s wondering, Dubai’s dad the genie was in the cutscene where Dubai arrived at the dorm. Nice.

On another pleasant note, I was excited to see that learning how to walk has helped Havana to get out of the crib. Fantastic! This is the first time I’ve seen a toddler doing that in my game.

Anyway, here’s her as a child. Pretty exciting, huh?

“Yes, yes it is!”

OK, then. *off to call the headmaster*

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES! That’s enough money to put on lights, windows, wallpaper, and proper flooring on the house. You rock, Forest!

However, my joy was rather short-lived.

*lullaby* Crap! This means not only do I have to deduct half a point from my score, but my plans for the next baby were thwarted completely! >.<

In case any of you are wondering, this very incident caused me to put my WYDC on a mini-hold until I got over it. And once I got over it, I proceeded to play it, so now I’m rather far ahead on this challenge. As for the update, I hope I’ll update at some point in the near future.

Anyway, Happy Simming!

wydc, update, sims 2

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