Title: Congratulation Pairing: Bill/Charlie gen Rating: PG Note: Written for the Head Boy challenge. Also, my first time here, and my first HP fic in nearly a year and a half. Wow.
That's really nice. I always figured that Bill and Charlie were nearly as close as Fred and George. Finding out that they were the same astrological signs pretty much clinched it. I never got the feeling that there was any sibling rivalry at all.
Yeah, same here. They seem to have the right mix of similarities and differences to have been able to forge a close relationship without riding the other's nevers.
Plus being the two eldest, they probably had to rely on each other for companionship once Molly had Percy (and then even more babies) until Bill went off to school. Based on just one or two scenes in GoF, they really seem to be good friends while it's obvious that they just tolerate Percy.
That's exactly the vibe I get from them. Percy seems to the oddball out in terms of personality, so it makes a lot of sense that he wouldn't have bonded as strongly with either Bill and Charlie or Ron. I wonder if that's going to play out at all now that Percy's gone bad.
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