so last nite, friday nite was really fun.. we went to johns apartment in the 1600s for a good bye party for our friend rocky who was leaving arcadia.. as it turned out.. there were a lot more people then i expected. and they were crazy... even apprentice bill was there. so key points of the nite were
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green day is sooo amazing <3 their new video for blvd of broken dreams is beautiful i cant believe i got graced with their presence 2 days in a row this is un healthy lol but greenday makes me SO happy-update
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so yea, i am in the 13th grade.. not college.. 13th grade.. sometimes i can wait to get outta here... and get away from the complaining, b/c it only brings me down too. i hate that shit. its hard to be happy anymore. and if u know me, then u know it takes a lot to make me upset. ok, i think i am done venting. i feel a little better
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this weekend i almost lost something the most important thing in my life because of my selfishness and he didnt do anything to deserve it i am so sorry i love you