Title: Everything
billpickleRating: PG
Pairing: BB
Word Count: 2,151
Spoilers: If you've seen the S5 promos, particularly
this one, I'd say you're good. Also, This one's also got a bit of a reference to S2's The Boneless Bride in the River.
A/N: Title comes from the Lifehouse song of the same name, though I had Jason Mraz's If It Kills Me and Rosie
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Comments 59
I'm pretty sure that if anything remotely close to this were to actually happen. Incessant flailing, squeeing and fainting would probably ensue (especially, on my part) ;).
Again, thanks for reading! BP appreciates it more than words can really describe :).
I mean, he's just this amazing person who cares endlessly for the people he loves, but at the end of the day, he's just a guy madly in love with a girl.
Oh, Booth.
As if I could ♥ you anymore than I already do.
*untwists heart sheepishly*
Aw, I'm glad I provided a great way to kick off your day off. Nothing like reading a nice Bones fic to get you smiling, huh? :)
Oh yeah. And I think it's pretty obvious that Angela would be the one you'd point fingers at when you ask: who got the ball rolling?
You have no idea how out of this world happy it makes me, that the little tidbit about her kinds of hugs. And how it's like the way Parker hugs him stood out for you.
They ARE the two most important people in his life, after all.
Thanks for reading! :)
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