01 - Don't stir wank. Please be respectful of other members and bring any issues you may have with your peers to a moderator.
02 - Please do your best to be in character. We understand that you may have some difficulty staying IC given the circumstances and premise of the game, and allowances will be made, but please do your best to stay true to the core of your character's personality.
03 - IC=/=OOC, or in character feelings and opinions are not the same as a mun's. That said, please do not go out of your way to be hateful ICly.
04 - Each player may have up to four characters, and up to two characters from the same fandom. This limit may increase in the future.
05 - Please be sixteen years old or older. This is due to the surplus of violence and death in the game.
06 - Please lock sexual content.
07 - Do not infomod, metagame or godmod/e. Keep track of what your character ICly knows, and try not to let your OOC knowledge bleed over. Play fairly.
08 - Post all entries to
bloodcarnival (the log/action community) and
dwjournalnet (the online community), tagged with your character's name; tag entries you reply to as well.