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Evry one iz gone. Okay, not evry one. But lots. I don’t even rekognyz so many peepal heer ennymor. I meen . . . Mamma . . . even Mamma’s gone. But Miz Agatha wuz nice wen she let me into the castle an we tokked. She sez I kan stay as long as I need. I’m glad she’s not mad. But still, I think wat I rilly want
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Comments 20
Don't vorry. Ve iz going to get hyu here.
Iz in Licere? Jenka said to get to Licere. Hy kin get dere by horse. Hyu guys vait for me, hokay! Hy get dere qvick-like! Be dere before hyu know it!
Oh? Vhat excitement? Tell me, tell me!
Ov cozz ve can hear hyu, hyu eediot. Hyu doezn't gots to shout.
Now get hyu confused butt over to Licere before ve leaves!
Licere?! Vhyfore hyu in dot fancy place? OH! Hy get it! Hyu finally gets hyuself a man, ja? Voo hoo! Ve celebrate vhen Hy gets dere!
Vot doez dot gots to do vit anytink?!
Ve's in Licere cozz de ship von a prize at de races. Iz de 4423.
Oh, wow, a whole ship got prize to go? Hy bet dere be a lot ov heppy vimmins right now!
Oh, ja! I heard ov de 4423! Dot's a goot ship! Hy's lookin' forvard to seein' it!
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