Jul 26, 2009 23:16
nothing tops off a weekend better than indian food, true blood, and wiener dog blood splattered all over your face.
Jul 23, 2009 20:51
why THE FUCK can't i ever get a good haircut?? WHY?! i even show pictures!!
i pretty much have scene hair. SCENE HAIR,PEOPLE! and with how thick my hair is, a hairstyle like i can't even work with it.
whenever you see me, expect me wearing a pony tail all day err day until this cockatoo hair gets longer!
Jul 08, 2009 23:00
am i the only one that thinks it's okay to wear the same jeans two days in row, just as long as they are relatively clean?
get back at me, people!
Jul 01, 2009 23:05
if i wake up tomorrow with a conjoined twin, someone please kill me. lately, people just won't leave me the fuck alone. i haven't had one day of complete peace and solitude in forever.
Jun 06, 2009 19:30
australia is a continent and mt. everest is not in america, regardless of its very american-sounding name.
why did i not know this!
May 29, 2009 18:34
BEST DINNER EVER: eating a piece of chicken, only to look down to find pictures from your dad's colonoscopy.