I think this is the most awesomest starting job in the universe and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Excepting some of those raised in show biz families, nearly all actors got their start in some sort of tv commercial or something equally seemingly unimportant.
OMG! That was so taken out of context! I was joking about dropping big news on my mother and the fact that I think my mother may like you more than me. This job is huge! And i'm very excited for you. How can I make you feel tiny? Look at my life...I'm working in a warehouse...You're out there achieving your goal. I have no goal. I'm suddenly very jealous...
um yeah. it was part of a much larger train of thought that occured in my nervous brain. hard to recreate now but i was actually comparing this job to an actual big job and then actual fame and i freaked out...
Well, I'm very sorry if my joke inspired any bad thoughts. I love you and don't want you to feel anything but wonderful about yourself. Cheesy...but true.
Comments 11
all i know is tentative details...
so...um...leg breakage and stuff!
i couldnt even sleep for all the disgustingly sweet smell of myself...
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