Week 155-156, 175 Banners

Aug 05, 2008 16:23

OKAY. I finally made some overdue banners (the week numbers will tell you how late these are), but this will be my last banner post here...! These are for astrokittie, cynicalsnark, taciturndream, ashly_2x1, hwighting, minayuurei, wicked_enough, and orangedew. I also have a banner for moon_stone787 for Weeks 187-188. Hopefully all of you are still active enough on LJ to see this post...!

Week 155-156: Lyrical Triptych
Most Creative: astrokittie

Most Creative Runner-up: cynicalsnark

Most Emotional: taciturndream

Most Emotional Runner-up: astrokittie

Best Typography: ashly_2x1

Best Typography Runner-up: hwighting

Week 175: Beginning
First Place & Most Creative: minayuurei

Second Place: wicked_enough

Third Place: orangedew

Week 174: Psychotic
Second place: astrokittie

Week 187-188: Despair
Most Emotional: moon_stone787

Texture Credits: cdg, gender, 11am, and squidfingers.com.

Please comment when you get your banner and let me know if there are any mistakes so I can fix them ASAP. Enjoy!
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