Bones Fic: Losing My Religion (Part 7/?)

Dec 09, 2010 13:32

The days trickle by at an excruciatingly slow pace. Parker is stuck at Rebecca’s with the flu, and Olivia has taken to working nights so as to stack some vacation time at the end of the month. The loneliness he feels without her is tempered by relief that at least she’s not around to see how much the situation with Brennan is messing with his head.
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fic: bones, fic: losing my religion

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Comments 28

makd December 9 2010, 19:25:18 UTC
Oh my, but you weave a clever spell.

All of their axes are tilted; nothing's in balance; the center's broken and cannot hold..... (Same is true for canon, where everything's off base; there's no center.)

Excellently done - as always.


bite_or_avoid December 10 2010, 03:16:44 UTC
Yeah, I think it was necessary to bring them to this point to really break their limbo. However, there is a method to my madness (cough*unlike HH*cough).

Thank you, sweetie!


muzakys December 9 2010, 20:08:39 UTC
I loved this version of her confession. I feel as if she is more in control of it, based on the promo's I've seen so far. What I've always been irritated with about Booth is that even though he has more faith in her heart than most people, he really didn't listen to her when she shot him down. Everyone expected her to fight him and he didn't even try. He should have settled in for a seige and barely shot a warning volley. I'm not sure my heart can take watching the episode without knowing what the months will hold, but I'm very happy to read your version instead!;) Thank


bite_or_avoid December 12 2010, 02:51:42 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked my version of her confession, and you're right, she's in more control of it. It's almost like a rational decision she made based on something he said, so I think that it would give her words more credence in his eyes. Like, there's no way she doesn't mean this, or only means it in the moment, you know?

I think Booth accepted her rejection so easily because his own confession was so spontaneous. He didn't really think about what he was doing or what it could mean. And when she said no, he was too afraid and too hurt to push the issue further. At the time, I understood it. In retrospect, I think the way the writers handled everything after the 100th was a huge mistake.

Thanks for the comments!


girlkamikazi December 9 2010, 21:33:31 UTC
Oh, you kill me! This is so so so so SO brilliant. It's so achingly amazing that I am dreading tonight's episode. I want to watch, but I almost want to have the rest of the season DVR'd before I do watch, that way I can immediately see what's going to happen. From what I have seen of the promo's, I feel that your take has Brennan much more controlled than the way the clips showed. When I watched the promo, I thought to myself, downward spiral. Not that Brennan or the writers would do that, but that sort of omg what NOW is what I'm dreading.
Goodness, I can't wait until you post the next part!


bite_or_avoid December 12 2010, 02:54:41 UTC
Yeah, my version definitely has a more controlled Brennan. Her confession is more of a deliberate response to what Booth said he wanted, and in typical Brennan fashion she doesn't really understand what a huge emotional quandary she's put him in.

I'm really glad you're enjoying this. Thank you!


biba79 December 9 2010, 23:09:54 UTC
Way to break my heart before the episode tonight. It's exactly what I needed.

This chapter was excellent, I loved it. I felt so sorry for both of them. I really hope that there is eventually something good in the future for them, that is together.



bite_or_avoid December 10 2010, 03:33:25 UTC
There's a light at the end of the tunnel, I promise :)

Glad to have broken your heart, in the good way :P

Thank you!


a2zmom December 10 2010, 00:14:07 UTC
I just caught up on this and wow!

You have perfectly caught both of them. During this entire chapter I could hear and see them. What a horrible, pianful place they are both in right now.


bite_or_avoid December 12 2010, 02:56:33 UTC
Thank you so much, sweetie! I'm so glad you like this.

BTW, I got your card. It's AWESOME, thank you!


a2zmom December 12 2010, 03:14:36 UTC
I'm glad you liked it!


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