-when an unborn fetus matters more than the lives of 18 year old boys and girls who we so willingly send into battle The 18 year olds who SIGNED up, not drafted. They had a choice, a fetus doesn't. And there has been a bill for the Draft this year that Senete shot down.
-when lying about a blowjob is cause for impeachment, yet lying about the reasons for going to war is not What do you call Miss Anthrax and Dr. Germ?
-when we are driven to a preemptive war by a man who sits idly by for 7 minutes while planes are driven into towers one and two. I'd like to see you jump up immediately and scare a bunch of elementary school kids when we thought it was an accident.
Why do I support Bush? In the words of Democrat Zell Miller, "I like the fact that he's the same man on Saturday night that he is on Sunday morning."
first of all, I DID NOT WRITE THIS. it merely expresses some of my beliefs. zell miller is supposedly a democrat, but i personally think he's an indecisive, paranoid bastard! as for bush, i wish he didn't wake up everyday making absolutely no sense whatsoever. nothing he says is relevant. it is all but empty lies, not even in complete sentences. i've heard the man one too many times in his speeches. he is the reason the word "malapropism" exists.
honestly, he's a defensive and whiny little man who isn't capable of running this country another four years, never mind the last four. people like him because they can relate to him, right? that says it all. his behavior is uncalled for, and so is YOURS. i thought that everyone in this country was entitled to their own opinion without being persecuted for it...i guess i was wrong. you are completely biased and uninformed (i.e. FOX NEWS) -- for future reference, look at both sides and try to be more mature and less belligerent in your arguments next time, OK?
I love Koko, I hate Jennmet_the_manNovember 5 2004, 15:52:31 UTC
Koko, I love your for your points. Jenn...come off of it. Yes they volunteered, but it is basically a draft. Wanna know why? Because people in Butts county Georgia don't have much money or many things to aspire to. So the join up with our armed forces and are swayed by their college being paid for and all the nice things our military says to get you in. I have talked to over a dozen people who have been screwed by our military, got no money for college, were underpaid, underfunded, and sent into a useless,lied about war. I'm not even going to argue the second point because Koko is strong on that and your response is very weak. Third, Bush should have said, "Hold on Kids! I have to go away froa second ok?" He gets up and tells the teacher he has to leave, then rushes out, hops into his limo, and gets on a plane back Washington. Ever thought about that Mr. W? And finally. Tell me one thing Kerry has flip-flopped on and I will tell you how he did not and how many times Bush has "flip-flopped" or changed his mind on issues more
( ... )
I hate people who won't get over it.ipaintwithwordsNovember 5 2004, 20:44:49 UTC
I don't blindly support him and YOU brought up the Flip-Flopping. Bush won already. Now get over yourself BOTH OF YOU and learn that your lives would be a hell of a lot better if you wouldn't bitch and moan at every little thing our president does. 48% of America wanted Kerry in office, sure. 51% (as I think I'm giving Nader a fair 1% of America here) said Bush. Feel free to vote for anyone you want to in the next election, that's your choice.
I stand by Bush because while "when bush claims to be the middle American cowboy, yet both he and Kerry were born into privilege, attended Yale and were part of Skull and Bones" Bush is down to earth and solid. He stands by his ideals even when hypocrite teenagers and the world is against him are against him
( ... )
Re: I hate people who won't get over it.bitter_November 8 2004, 17:41:03 UTC
actually, it was 59%. and young people STILL didn't get out there and vote. it was mostly old folks.
if i'm being such a big baby about it, it's only because you're being an annoyingly closeminded asshole! and people wonder why democrats and republicans are so divided nowadays...
Comments 13
The 18 year olds who SIGNED up, not drafted. They had a choice, a fetus doesn't. And there has been a bill for the Draft this year that Senete shot down.
-when lying about a blowjob is cause for impeachment, yet lying about the reasons for going to war is not
What do you call Miss Anthrax and Dr. Germ?
-when we are driven to a preemptive war by a man who sits idly by for 7 minutes while planes are driven into towers one and two.
I'd like to see you jump up immediately and scare a bunch of elementary school kids when we thought it was an accident.
Why do I support Bush?
In the words of Democrat Zell Miller, "I like the fact that he's the same man on Saturday night that he is on Sunday morning."
honestly, he's a defensive and whiny little man who isn't capable of running this country another four years, never mind the last four. people like him because they can relate to him, right? that says it all. his behavior is uncalled for, and so is YOURS. i thought that everyone in this country was entitled to their own opinion without being persecuted for it...i guess i was wrong. you are completely biased and uninformed (i.e. FOX NEWS) -- for future reference, look at both sides and try to be more mature and less belligerent in your arguments next time, OK?
Bush won already. Now get over yourself BOTH OF YOU and learn that your lives would be a hell of a lot better if you wouldn't bitch and moan at every little thing our president does. 48% of America wanted Kerry in office, sure. 51% (as I think I'm giving Nader a fair 1% of America here) said Bush. Feel free to vote for anyone you want to in the next election, that's your choice.
I stand by Bush because while "when bush claims to be the middle American cowboy, yet both he and Kerry were born into privilege, attended Yale and were part of Skull and Bones" Bush is down to earth and solid. He stands by his ideals even when hypocrite teenagers and the world is against him are against him ( ... )
if i'm being such a big baby about it, it's only because you're being an annoyingly closeminded asshole! and people wonder why democrats and republicans are so divided nowadays...
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