Borrowed from
ubiquitousmixie .
The rules are simple: just comment with a show/movie, pairing/character/threesome, and word prompt for a letter of your choosing and I’ll write you a drabble/ficlet in return that will be posted in my writing journal. Het, slash, femslash and gen prompts are all okay.
A A is for Amsterdam, Pulp Fiction/Reservoir Dogs, Vincent Vega/Vic Vega for Fedink
B is for blood- Reservoir Dogs, Orange/White fir
sakru909 C is for cannibalize - Fight Club, Tyler/narrator (or vice versa) for
visualcomplex D is for disheveled - Eastern Promises, Kirill/Nikolai for
eve_n_furter E
F is for foster- Merlin, Merlin/Arthur for
lilian_cho G is for Greed- There Will Be Blood, Daniel Plainview/Eli Sunday for
sakru909 H is for Heart - Alice in Wonderland, Red Queen/Alice for
ubiquitousmixie I
J is for Jinx- Promethea for
ilthit K is for King - A Song of Ice and Fire, Stannis/Davos for
sakru909 L is for Lavender - True Blood, Pam/Sookie for
ubiquitousmixie M is for Magic, Merlin, Morgana/Morgause for
veleda_k N is for Now - Heroes, Peter/Nathan for
gribouille O
P is for Possession - Firefly, Zoe/Wash for
katherineokelly Q
R is for Rose- Revolutionary Girl Utena, Utena/Anthy for
sakru909 S is for Shaving- Narnia, Caspian/Edmund for
lilian_cho T is for Torment - Dr. Who, Theta/Koschei (or Ten/Simm!Master) for
mrjdt U
V is for Valium - Criminal Minds, Garcia and Reid for
lawless523 W is for Wild- Grindhouse (Planet Terror), Dr. Dakota Block/Cherry Darling for
sakru909 X is for X Chromosome- any, for
ilthit Y
Z is for Zipper- Watchmen, Laurie for
ilthit For fandoms I write
check my tags under fandom or see my
user info . Doing a crossover of two of my fandoms is fine. Also I'm also open to other fandoms (Dexter, Sin City, Fables, the Sherlock Homes movie and a lot of others), just ask me.