omg i just spent 20 minutes typing the most random ass post about absolutely nothing that i knew you would all read to the end just to see if there was anything worthwhile in it and there wasn't then the cat closed the f*ckn web broswer!!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$%
hey look new icon idk if u can tell what it is but brendan went and found and damn picture of jello nailed to a tree after i said it was impossible so here u r everyone I WAS WRONG!! and it really is possible to nail jello to a tree u happy now brendan?
u guys suck!! all of u!! u guys are gonna get an early dismisal while i just sit here sick and miss out on the short day somebody tell me what we did please thanx -later
we all talk about drama needing to die and shit like that... but why does nobody do anything about it they all sit on their lazy asses and hope it goes away and it doesn't